Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Little Accidents

So tonight y'all I attempted to make one of me and my kiddo's favorite Korean foods. Steam Dumplings! Oh so yummy! I learned the recipe from Maangchi on YouTube (You should go check her out! So awesome!) But, going paleo I can't use wheat based flour and I can't use soy sauce! How in the world can us Paleo folks go without Asian Cuisine!?!? Well, I don't know about you, but I cannot!

And quite frankly, we do have soy sauce but as I've mentioned I've been having terrible reactions to gluten since going gluten free! You know on those weak moments and you slip up and have a hand full of cookies...Yes, I regretted that the next morning with labor pains of a gluten baby!!!!

Well the dough made with Brown Rice Flour was a big ole flop!!!!!! AGGHHH!!!!!!

But, I can't just throw 3 cups of expensive flour in the trash y'all. We aren't made of money and the money tree died a few years ago. :)

So what did I do? I did dumplings a different way. I took the dough, as crumbly as it was...Got it as smooth as I could....rolled it out like play dough snakes. Sliced them on the diagonal, fried them in a pan, a splash of water, quick lid...2 minutes and BOOM! Fried/steamed dumplings....Throwing it in what was going to be the filling turning this happy little accident into a new creation!

Innovation! Creation! WOO! (I'm high on innovation! That's legal right???)

I will try later to come back and work some magic on figuring out what in the world I did. I'm sitting here with the finished product in my lap and it is yummy!!! Best of all, I won't regret it in the morning.

So when you feel like you made a big boo boo and are about to trash supper...Kick down the sides of the box and venture out. See what you can do!

Hope you are all having a wonderful evening!

Happy cooking and bon appetite!

-Ami M. Lee

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