Can you believe how fast 90 days has come and gone? Yesterday made officially 90 days!
It's funny, my goals before have been for 90 days and I went right back to soda before. I went right back to drinking whatever and not making water the most important drink in my diet. 90 days used to be so hard that I eventually gave it up. Maybe the key to my success this time is not giving up on only a few months.
The key was a bigger goal and having a way to keep myself accountable. It's not over yet. A year is quite a long time. A year of detoxing and trying to get off such a hardcore drug. Something so legal and so easy to obtain. It is now such a shame that I ever allowed such a thing to enter my body. To allow a substance to destroy the well-being of my body. Call me extreme, but that is a literal look at what these chemicals are doing to our body.
You might think it's acceptable. That's okay. I'm not here to condemn anyone and the choices they make for themselves. I can't make the choice for you. There's just a right time. My husband and I were discussing this last night and how he has been wanting to quit smoking. There is a right time. Most of the time it needs to be as little stress as you can get in your life. When we're stressed, we're more likely to fail. We all have our vices and we aren't all so strong willed as to will it into fruition.
I had a set back myself last night. I have been very scared of stopping caffeinated coffee. I have been trying to kick my caffeine habit for YEARS! The problem that arises is the most awful headaches, down right migraines when I go more than four to five days without caffeine. I know a cup of coffee a day has it's benefits, and I sure do love my coffee. But, the pain I endure is so tremendous I almost feel as if I don't have a choice. Last night I had my husband go buy me a cup of coffee because I couldn't handle the pain.
I'd love to say that the last 90 days have been the easiest of my life, and in truth...they may be the vanilla version of my life, but definitely not easy. I've faced harder truths, and fell even harder. But, I can feel better knowing that my goal is still ahead of me and I haven't failed. As many temptations as I have endured over the last 90 days, I haven't given in.
Have I lost weight from dropping sodas? Nope. But, as I've mentioned, there are several pieces to the weight-loss puzzle. Do I feel better? Most of the time. Do I still struggle? Sure...I have this great soy candle that doesn't have to be lit on fire. (Great for having kiddos around.) I love the lemony sent of it, but it smells like a Mellow Yellow.
So today, I hope I can encourage you...Not with astounding numbers of pounds dropped. Not with the health benefits or the "because this study says so." But, I hope to encourage you through my resolve to set such a large goal and to meet it! Yes, goals need to be realistic but sometimes pushing yourself is needed too. Look within yourself. Ask yourself, are you doing all that you can really do?
I'm looking forward to the next 90 days. We're about a quarter of the way day. 1/4 doesn't seem that bad aye?
I hope you are all doing well out there today. It's been rainy and cold. We're looking forward to some better weather soon.
As always, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know how your journey is going.
All the best to my friends,
Ami M. Lee
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