It's been a while since my last post. Time flies these days.
I am constantly learning and evolving into the strongest version of myself. I am reading articles, testing my diet, and figuring out what my body needs for optimum health. I am working out and trying to follow a plan to keep active and to workout 4 to 5 times a week. My muscles are definitely growing along with my strength. I am moving to the next size down in jeans. And even though my weight is shifting back and forth between having lost some and haven't lost any...I am feeling better than ever, most days.
There are those days, or those weekends, where I am just in a funk. This last weekend I sat around and watched television all day long; something I haven't done in a very long time. I didn't feel mentally well. I felt depressed. It didn't help that there for a few days, we ate out for convenience. Then, this morning I happened upon a post in a Facebook group I belong to. It's a pretty great group of ladies supporting one another through their healthier life goals. You get the occasional person just whining for attention, but overall it's a great group and they often present new ideas that you may not have thought of.
So far on this journey, since going Paleo in March, I have discovered that I am so sensitive to many things. I have become allergic to gluten. I have the same food allergy reaction that I've always had to paprika, have had with crab, and sometimes with ham (I figure it's something in the glaze.). I do not tolerate dairy very well, but I've been able to slowly add in unsalted, grass fed butter into my diet and it doesn't bother me that bad. Which, I'm thankful for. My Julia Child turkey will need butter come Thanksgiving. I am beyond sensitive to sugar. I already knew this from being hypoglycemic, but now I can't stand anything with processed sugar in it. I have used coconut sugar in a few recipes and it seems to do much better. I am quite possibly allergic or sensitive to coffee. I originally thought it was the caffeine, but I even tried decaf and still had the same reaction. I was more tired than ever and started to get headaches and sore throats from it.
I set a goal a while back and I am unsure if I am able to make it because of this last hiccup. However, my goal is to get down into the 260s by the end of November when my husband has his LEO Awards ceremony. So I have a goal. Goals work well for me. I have a set time frame and a to-do list really. With Sodas, it has been rather easy. Until January 7th of next year, I will in no way have soda of any kind, for any reason. Trust me, if I can deal with a tornado destroying my house, homelessness with two of my children, adoption of my middle son, starting a house and maintaining my sanity and keeping away from soda...Anyone can! Although I suspect, if I were to have a soda after that, I would only want a Barq's Rootbeer if I ever splurged and ate a pizza. But, not until my committed goal of a year without soda is complete.
I have done with having this goal. So, I want to commit to another goal. I want to commit to five weeks until the awards to be completely paleo. Most people are fine (as am I) with the 80/20 rule. We probably only eat out 2 to 4 times a month and I try my best to minimize gluten, dairy, sugar, and I just plain refrain from coffee. I want to commit to 100% paleo, 100% of the time.
In order to do this, I will have to prepare for those days I dread cooking. I am going to have to find a way to get my husband to jump in on cooking those days. I have to include snacks in our days so that I'm less likely to be so hungry that by the time Nick gets home, and I don't feel like cooking, we're all starving, and I feel like poo, so Nick runs to get whatever.
I have to be able to tell Nick no. Which is hard. I love my dear husband so much and he is not on the paleo band wagon. It doesn't bother him at all to eat whatever. When he comes home from work, doing the line of work he does, I simply want him to be happy. So if he has a bad day and wants to pick up some take-out, I usually let him. I need to return to not giving in myself.
It's a big puzzle piece but I think if I have this goal in mind. If I prepare ahead with meals during my planning I can be more successful, and more easily get passed "those days." 37 days of 100% paleo. I encourage you that if you're feeling a little stuck like I have, feel free to comment what you're goal is below! Start one! Stick to it! Make a decision and cut off all other possibility. You will be successful.
I wish you all good luck with whatever your goals may be.
And in case you've missed it on ....
This is Day 1 pictures. I was 280 lbs. Boy....I regret wearing all pink. LOL
30 days later. I hadn't lost a pound, but I had lost about 3 inches off my waist.
This was just a few days ago. Showing off my tight workout shirt. I've lost just a few pounds so far but it's amazing the difference when you consider that I've lost inches and gained muscle.
So that's it my friends! I hope you are all doing well out there. Feel free to check me out on Facebook where I update more often and talk more about the working out and eating part. I have a new blog and Facebook for all of my recipes! I actually write for the local paper! ^__^ For volunteer, but hey! I'm a published writer now! <3
Sending y'all lots of peace and love.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Those Days...
Some days you wonder why you made the decision to do paleo. Something as simple as going out to eat with your family for a nice lunch is made difficult. Planning birthdays becomes a headache because you want your kids to get a chance to indulge but you don't want them to get sick because of it. Those days are tough.
But where have we come from in only the month or so that we've been home and been able to fully commit to paleo? I've lost 12 pounds so far. My scale is stuck at the moment, but I started working out and am noticeably gaining muscle. My children are sleeping better. This includes my son Rylan who moved in with us and had before never slept through an entire night in his four years of life! All of my children are blossoming into healthy eaters and are getting a better understanding as we go, why Mommy and Daddy made the choice not to eat certain foods. My kids are generally happier and I've even noticed an improvement in Madison's ability to concentrate. I am generally less depressed, more motivated, and when I keep my diet balanced am usually a more balanced person.
I warn you though, not every day is easy. I have those days I wish I could go back. I wish I could eat whatever I wanted. I wish I could unflip that unflippable switch. And then I think about what I'd be going back to... It's not just food choices you go back to. I'd go back to my hypoglycemia acting up, sore and achey joints, passing out asleep mid day for no reason and unable to wake up for up to 3 hours. I go back to an even deeper battle with depression, paranoia, and anxiety.
My journey has probably been harder than most. It's probably been harder than what most people should go through. But in the end, I tell myself, "You must keep going forward!" There's nothing left behind me. I want to live a full and happy life. I want to grow old with my husband and see our kids grow up and have kiddos of their own. I don't want to settle. That storm took away plenty of opportunities but it gave one of the best opportunity to concentrate on myself. I have time to spend with my kids. I can get them ready for school, I can get my body and mind in order...then it'll be my time to go out into the world and work and see what good I can do. Who knows where this journey will lead me.
I'm definitely not the perfect role model. I have slip ups, I fall, I have moments where I shout in my head, JUST SKIP THIS WORKOUT! THIS POSE! JUST EAT A CHEESEBURGER! Once won't kill you... But I'm starting to think... That phrase has become the ultimate excuse. What's killing us is the excuse that just one won't kill us! Moderation! This is not a diet about moderation. This journey and I am not about moderation. This diet is about seeking out the strongest version of yourself. It is molding and shaping the rest of your life. It takes hard work and determination to grow yourself into a new person! Just think how much work it takes to grow a baby!
I may not be the strongest version of myself yet, but I'm stronger than I was in April. I'm stronger than I was yesterday. I have peace in my heart, and strength in my body. I will succeed. If I fall, I'll jump back up. If I slip up, I won't feel guilty, I'll just do better next time and learn. I won't make excuses and I'll spread this around! Why!? Because I care that everyone around me feels as awesome as I do. Everyone deserves to feel the strongest version of themselves. The awe that I stand before myself now in my mind. I stand before the strongest version of myself as I am. I can hug myself and appreciate the journey and love myself now, and love my future self.
A friend told me the other day that I was inspiring! Me! Little ole me! I inspired someone! And whether she's the first and the last I am so thankful. My job isn't done, but I have a check mark. Why be ordinary...when you can be extraordinary?
Lots of love and peace to you and your journey,
Ami M. Lee
Journey on the Final Countdown
But where have we come from in only the month or so that we've been home and been able to fully commit to paleo? I've lost 12 pounds so far. My scale is stuck at the moment, but I started working out and am noticeably gaining muscle. My children are sleeping better. This includes my son Rylan who moved in with us and had before never slept through an entire night in his four years of life! All of my children are blossoming into healthy eaters and are getting a better understanding as we go, why Mommy and Daddy made the choice not to eat certain foods. My kids are generally happier and I've even noticed an improvement in Madison's ability to concentrate. I am generally less depressed, more motivated, and when I keep my diet balanced am usually a more balanced person.
I warn you though, not every day is easy. I have those days I wish I could go back. I wish I could eat whatever I wanted. I wish I could unflip that unflippable switch. And then I think about what I'd be going back to... It's not just food choices you go back to. I'd go back to my hypoglycemia acting up, sore and achey joints, passing out asleep mid day for no reason and unable to wake up for up to 3 hours. I go back to an even deeper battle with depression, paranoia, and anxiety.
My journey has probably been harder than most. It's probably been harder than what most people should go through. But in the end, I tell myself, "You must keep going forward!" There's nothing left behind me. I want to live a full and happy life. I want to grow old with my husband and see our kids grow up and have kiddos of their own. I don't want to settle. That storm took away plenty of opportunities but it gave one of the best opportunity to concentrate on myself. I have time to spend with my kids. I can get them ready for school, I can get my body and mind in order...then it'll be my time to go out into the world and work and see what good I can do. Who knows where this journey will lead me.
I'm definitely not the perfect role model. I have slip ups, I fall, I have moments where I shout in my head, JUST SKIP THIS WORKOUT! THIS POSE! JUST EAT A CHEESEBURGER! Once won't kill you... But I'm starting to think... That phrase has become the ultimate excuse. What's killing us is the excuse that just one won't kill us! Moderation! This is not a diet about moderation. This journey and I am not about moderation. This diet is about seeking out the strongest version of yourself. It is molding and shaping the rest of your life. It takes hard work and determination to grow yourself into a new person! Just think how much work it takes to grow a baby!
I may not be the strongest version of myself yet, but I'm stronger than I was in April. I'm stronger than I was yesterday. I have peace in my heart, and strength in my body. I will succeed. If I fall, I'll jump back up. If I slip up, I won't feel guilty, I'll just do better next time and learn. I won't make excuses and I'll spread this around! Why!? Because I care that everyone around me feels as awesome as I do. Everyone deserves to feel the strongest version of themselves. The awe that I stand before myself now in my mind. I stand before the strongest version of myself as I am. I can hug myself and appreciate the journey and love myself now, and love my future self.
A friend told me the other day that I was inspiring! Me! Little ole me! I inspired someone! And whether she's the first and the last I am so thankful. My job isn't done, but I have a check mark. Why be ordinary...when you can be extraordinary?
Lots of love and peace to you and your journey,
Ami M. Lee
Journey on the Final Countdown
Monday, July 21, 2014
Listen to your Body!
There are very interesting things you can find out when you listen to your body. I know for me that having such a tough situation and not being able to be strictly paleo has shed some light on listening to my body. Some expected...some very unexpected.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, Paleo is a great diet for those of us who are gluten intolerant. (It has benefits for many more people and you should check out places like to see if you could benefit.) Please remember, there are a lot of great people out there that are much further along on their journey than I am.
I was reading an article earlier today about the "gray areas" in paleo. Some things can be considered somewhat paleo... Some people can disagree... Some people may have an ancestral heritage that favors being able to tolerate these gray area foods. The best tool of diagnosis though, is your own body.
Once you remove all of the processed goods it is much easier to identify issues you may have. Now...Being in our situation (still in a hotel) we are not able to just go out to the grocery store and buy regular meat and veggies. We're relying heavily on expensive gluten free frozen and microwaveable products. Let me tell you, over processed crap tastes bad whether it's "healthier" for you or not. It's basically what I like to call "The diet coke of evil..." (Anyone catch that reference? If're cool.)
I've gone a month without coffee. And I didn't die! (Yes...surprise.) I have started drinking coffee again, but I'm considering just nixing it from my diet. Why? I don't like the idea of decaf. I've heard decaf is worse than the regular because of the chemicals they use to mostly decaffinate the coffee. I realize, I am still addicted. That's an interesting story for another post though.
Needless to say, I've cut out a lot. Most seeds, all conventional processed food, and sugar. Here's the wacky things my body has been up to.
One night was just one of those nights I couldn't avoid gluten. I have mostly been drinking water, but I just had a hankering (southern for craving) for some slightly sweet tea. I often order a half sweet tea...but I kept finding it was ridiculously too sweet. Well this night I noticeably started to get an incredibly awful headache. I didn't understand it. I was also repulsed by this tea. So I switched to water. I noticed my headache went away even though I was still eating gluten. I still felt bloated and over full...tired and icky. But...the head bursting headache subsided quickly. Am I having a reaction to sugar!? I am most certain that I have avoided conventional sugar that this sweet tea has been giving me these outrageous headaches.
This is even how I discovered my gluten intolerance. I took it out for a while, had a slip up, and ended up very ill the next morning. My point being that when you cut out all of the junk, it is quite easy to discover where your issues are. I had heard about this with my son's lactose intolerance. I never considered this as the missing link to discover what was causing my health issues.
In a similar fashion, I've noticed what my body is craving. If I'm craving beef or greens, I'm probably in need of some iron. I find myself craving good food. So I encourage anyone to try it out. Cut out the junk and extra stuff. If you add back in dairy and have an adverse side may need to cut it out. Today, as a matter of fact, I had one of my favorite Mocha Cappucino cold coffee drinks. I fell victim to the savy mom thought of a buy one get one free! I had originally thought dairy hadn't bothered me. However, because Mark is lactose intolerant, I often try my best to avoid it. I checked the label and it did not have any wheat (gluten) products. After I finished this drink I felt like I blew up! My stomach was so full and I felt bloated. I hadn't eaten much before this and it was about time to be hungry again and yet I felt like I just ate a five course meal.
One goal in Paleo is to avoid things that irritate and/or inflame the body, mostly "the gut." Now...just because it irritates you, doesn't mean you are allergic or intolerant. It's something to pay attention to. We're really searching for what is the optimal food for your body. So far I'm down to the basics. No gluten, no sugar, no dairy.
I often get those comments...I don't know what I'd do without cheese!!!! (Which I'll continue in a different post.) But, all in all, when you realize it's just not good for your body and it may be keeping you from your get over it.
So listen to your body! Sometimes you can be your best friend when it comes to this journey of discovery. I've even had compliments that I looked like I had lost weight, even though I haven't lost anything through this trying situation. When I am able to stay as clean as possible with my diet, I feel so much better and have plenty of energy to get through the day. Any slip ups and I'm ready for a nap and am usually not very happy with bathroom visits (yeah...sorry but it's true!).
Good luck!
As I've mentioned in previous posts, Paleo is a great diet for those of us who are gluten intolerant. (It has benefits for many more people and you should check out places like to see if you could benefit.) Please remember, there are a lot of great people out there that are much further along on their journey than I am.
I was reading an article earlier today about the "gray areas" in paleo. Some things can be considered somewhat paleo... Some people can disagree... Some people may have an ancestral heritage that favors being able to tolerate these gray area foods. The best tool of diagnosis though, is your own body.
Once you remove all of the processed goods it is much easier to identify issues you may have. Now...Being in our situation (still in a hotel) we are not able to just go out to the grocery store and buy regular meat and veggies. We're relying heavily on expensive gluten free frozen and microwaveable products. Let me tell you, over processed crap tastes bad whether it's "healthier" for you or not. It's basically what I like to call "The diet coke of evil..." (Anyone catch that reference? If're cool.)
I've gone a month without coffee. And I didn't die! (Yes...surprise.) I have started drinking coffee again, but I'm considering just nixing it from my diet. Why? I don't like the idea of decaf. I've heard decaf is worse than the regular because of the chemicals they use to mostly decaffinate the coffee. I realize, I am still addicted. That's an interesting story for another post though.
Needless to say, I've cut out a lot. Most seeds, all conventional processed food, and sugar. Here's the wacky things my body has been up to.
One night was just one of those nights I couldn't avoid gluten. I have mostly been drinking water, but I just had a hankering (southern for craving) for some slightly sweet tea. I often order a half sweet tea...but I kept finding it was ridiculously too sweet. Well this night I noticeably started to get an incredibly awful headache. I didn't understand it. I was also repulsed by this tea. So I switched to water. I noticed my headache went away even though I was still eating gluten. I still felt bloated and over full...tired and icky. But...the head bursting headache subsided quickly. Am I having a reaction to sugar!? I am most certain that I have avoided conventional sugar that this sweet tea has been giving me these outrageous headaches.
This is even how I discovered my gluten intolerance. I took it out for a while, had a slip up, and ended up very ill the next morning. My point being that when you cut out all of the junk, it is quite easy to discover where your issues are. I had heard about this with my son's lactose intolerance. I never considered this as the missing link to discover what was causing my health issues.
In a similar fashion, I've noticed what my body is craving. If I'm craving beef or greens, I'm probably in need of some iron. I find myself craving good food. So I encourage anyone to try it out. Cut out the junk and extra stuff. If you add back in dairy and have an adverse side may need to cut it out. Today, as a matter of fact, I had one of my favorite Mocha Cappucino cold coffee drinks. I fell victim to the savy mom thought of a buy one get one free! I had originally thought dairy hadn't bothered me. However, because Mark is lactose intolerant, I often try my best to avoid it. I checked the label and it did not have any wheat (gluten) products. After I finished this drink I felt like I blew up! My stomach was so full and I felt bloated. I hadn't eaten much before this and it was about time to be hungry again and yet I felt like I just ate a five course meal.
One goal in Paleo is to avoid things that irritate and/or inflame the body, mostly "the gut." Now...just because it irritates you, doesn't mean you are allergic or intolerant. It's something to pay attention to. We're really searching for what is the optimal food for your body. So far I'm down to the basics. No gluten, no sugar, no dairy.
I often get those comments...I don't know what I'd do without cheese!!!! (Which I'll continue in a different post.) But, all in all, when you realize it's just not good for your body and it may be keeping you from your get over it.
So listen to your body! Sometimes you can be your best friend when it comes to this journey of discovery. I've even had compliments that I looked like I had lost weight, even though I haven't lost anything through this trying situation. When I am able to stay as clean as possible with my diet, I feel so much better and have plenty of energy to get through the day. Any slip ups and I'm ready for a nap and am usually not very happy with bathroom visits (yeah...sorry but it's true!).
Good luck!
My Rant about Feeding My Children My Way
It has been a tough journey this last month. I mentioned that in my last post. But, there's been something on my mind that has been bothering me that I just felt like I needed to get out. I've been highly criticized since my children were born for the way I feed my children. I'm not sure what people don't understand about me wanting to feed my children as healthy as possible.
For one... Why do people care? I don't go around criticizing you for feeding your kids chemical laden crap that shouldn't be considered food. So why are you so upset that I try to feed my kids actual food?
I think this post is just a culmination of nearly five years of a struggle.
Many people are okay with themselves being overweight. They accept it and become complacent. I don't know how they do it. I've been trying for nearly four years now to lose weight. It took me four years to find the key. But, I don't like being this way. I just want to be comfortable putting on a pair of shorts or a dress that goes above my knees. I want to have so much energy that I convince people I found a way to bottle my kids extra energy.
I've never seen anyone happy when they're eating unhealthy. Not a one. They're just complacent and think that's all they can do. Well I'm here to give you a dose of reality honey. You're WRONG!
I've even experienced people who are very skinny who are just down right unhealthy, mind and body. It's the food! If you put good food in, you get great things out of your body!
So... What are my goals for my kids healthy lives?
I have always given my children fruit and vegetables. They are required to try things. Madison being four, I've seen her tastes change over the years. I always offer my kids a fruit. That's pretty easy to get them to eat. Actually, Mark could eat a bundle of bananas in a day if I would let him. But, it is important to test their boundaries with food. Give them that piece of broccoli. Don't stop just because they don't like it once.
The commercial I just saw bothers me. We shouldn't be supplementing healthy food for processed drinks like Pediasure. How is this "What kids need."!? Sugary milk like drinks?
I have always made a commitment against MSG and high fructose corn syrup. Lately, I've stepped up my game though.
Candy is a treat and NEVER every day. I often try to find treats that are very yummy and feel like candy, but aren't. For instance, Madison loves blueberries.
I have always been anti-soda. It's just not good for their bodies. Have you read the ingredients? It's a bunch of chemical bologna.
I try to find fun ways to get my kids to drink real water. Fun cups and straws are always a hit. I never use flavored water things.
Eating is not an option. I have read many articles about picky eaters and having children eat. It's just not an option for us. I am not a short order cook. You eat what I fix. Now, that does not mean I won't consider things my family likes, or throwing in a meal that is still paleo but looks like their old favorites. One thing that really helps my kids are dips. For some reason, kids just love to be able to have ketchup, bbq sauce, ranch, etc. Of course, I'm learning how to make these paleo friendly.
I try to make sure that people understand why I do not want my children to eat certain things. I am to the point I really don't mind taking the extra steps to send my kids food (or bring my own when I'm at other people's houses). I don't mind getting up early to make my kids breakfast when they eventually go to school, plus sending healthy lunches. I am starting to lose the anxiety of telling the nice lady at the gas station or grocery store that they can't have suckers.
After finding what is write for me and my children, I have gained confidence. I can say, "No, sorry...We don't eat things like that."
In the end, I don't think this is just for me to vent. It's for all those other parents out there who are in that stage of letting everyone know that you and your kids are different. You made the family choice to take your health under control. While you may consider rare exceptions, health and good eating habits are a priority.
So be confident and good luck! And remember I'm always sending you love and peace for you and your journey. Remember, you're the momma! (Or you're the daddy!!!) Take control. You're doing what you think is best. <3
For one... Why do people care? I don't go around criticizing you for feeding your kids chemical laden crap that shouldn't be considered food. So why are you so upset that I try to feed my kids actual food?
I think this post is just a culmination of nearly five years of a struggle.
Many people are okay with themselves being overweight. They accept it and become complacent. I don't know how they do it. I've been trying for nearly four years now to lose weight. It took me four years to find the key. But, I don't like being this way. I just want to be comfortable putting on a pair of shorts or a dress that goes above my knees. I want to have so much energy that I convince people I found a way to bottle my kids extra energy.
I've never seen anyone happy when they're eating unhealthy. Not a one. They're just complacent and think that's all they can do. Well I'm here to give you a dose of reality honey. You're WRONG!
I've even experienced people who are very skinny who are just down right unhealthy, mind and body. It's the food! If you put good food in, you get great things out of your body!
So... What are my goals for my kids healthy lives?
I have always given my children fruit and vegetables. They are required to try things. Madison being four, I've seen her tastes change over the years. I always offer my kids a fruit. That's pretty easy to get them to eat. Actually, Mark could eat a bundle of bananas in a day if I would let him. But, it is important to test their boundaries with food. Give them that piece of broccoli. Don't stop just because they don't like it once.
The commercial I just saw bothers me. We shouldn't be supplementing healthy food for processed drinks like Pediasure. How is this "What kids need."!? Sugary milk like drinks?
I have always made a commitment against MSG and high fructose corn syrup. Lately, I've stepped up my game though.
Candy is a treat and NEVER every day. I often try to find treats that are very yummy and feel like candy, but aren't. For instance, Madison loves blueberries.
I have always been anti-soda. It's just not good for their bodies. Have you read the ingredients? It's a bunch of chemical bologna.
I try to find fun ways to get my kids to drink real water. Fun cups and straws are always a hit. I never use flavored water things.
Eating is not an option. I have read many articles about picky eaters and having children eat. It's just not an option for us. I am not a short order cook. You eat what I fix. Now, that does not mean I won't consider things my family likes, or throwing in a meal that is still paleo but looks like their old favorites. One thing that really helps my kids are dips. For some reason, kids just love to be able to have ketchup, bbq sauce, ranch, etc. Of course, I'm learning how to make these paleo friendly.
I try to make sure that people understand why I do not want my children to eat certain things. I am to the point I really don't mind taking the extra steps to send my kids food (or bring my own when I'm at other people's houses). I don't mind getting up early to make my kids breakfast when they eventually go to school, plus sending healthy lunches. I am starting to lose the anxiety of telling the nice lady at the gas station or grocery store that they can't have suckers.
After finding what is write for me and my children, I have gained confidence. I can say, "No, sorry...We don't eat things like that."
In the end, I don't think this is just for me to vent. It's for all those other parents out there who are in that stage of letting everyone know that you and your kids are different. You made the family choice to take your health under control. While you may consider rare exceptions, health and good eating habits are a priority.
So be confident and good luck! And remember I'm always sending you love and peace for you and your journey. Remember, you're the momma! (Or you're the daddy!!!) Take control. You're doing what you think is best. <3
Pantry Essentials
So my entire stock, including the cabinet doors were blown away! (literally) But, I know that thankfully you are not in that situation. When you start a new way of eating (or lifestyle) it is often recommended that you purge the house of poor quality foods, ingredients, etc.
Here are a few of my MUST HAVE'S! These are things I have already bought to replace even though I don't have my kitchen back yet.
1. Good Seasonings! Organic Italian Seasoning and Garlic paste. Pink Himalayan salt and whole pepper that can be freshly cracked! The best thing about paleo eating or cooking in general is experimenting with flavors and seasonings.
2. Good oils. What do I consider good oils? I buy Simple Truth organic olive oil that is beautiful and adds a great flavor to chicken even with just some good salt and pepper. Coconut oil which I use for many things, including a moisturizer or face mask!
3. Organic/ All Natural Meats. Sometimes it's not always possible to get organic meat, so I choose brands like Simple Truth that have made a commitment to keeping 101 chemicals out of their products. It can be a scary experience when first going paleo knowing that a good 25% or more of your bill can go to just meat. When you know you're spending $20 on four pounds of beef, it can be a little daunting. I am always amazed to come out on budget!
There are plenty more things that I need to buy. There are things such as arrowroot, almond flour, coconut flour, and things of this nature that I may need in the future. It's always easier to buy one at a time because they are quite expensive.
Transitioning to paleo can be a challenge if you're pantry is already full of non-paleo foods. If you transition and discover you are gulten intolerant like I did and within a week or two can't eat gluten without getting sick, this could be even more of a challenge. My advice is try to use up all those non-paleo items within the first one to two weeks. When you make this decision, do NOT buy anything non-paleo. For instance, use up all of your cheese, then don't buy anymore.
If you're on a budget like we are, make sure to pick and choose what you just HAVE to buy a higher quality, and where you can save.
Here are a few of my MUST HAVE'S! These are things I have already bought to replace even though I don't have my kitchen back yet.
1. Good Seasonings! Organic Italian Seasoning and Garlic paste. Pink Himalayan salt and whole pepper that can be freshly cracked! The best thing about paleo eating or cooking in general is experimenting with flavors and seasonings.
2. Good oils. What do I consider good oils? I buy Simple Truth organic olive oil that is beautiful and adds a great flavor to chicken even with just some good salt and pepper. Coconut oil which I use for many things, including a moisturizer or face mask!
3. Organic/ All Natural Meats. Sometimes it's not always possible to get organic meat, so I choose brands like Simple Truth that have made a commitment to keeping 101 chemicals out of their products. It can be a scary experience when first going paleo knowing that a good 25% or more of your bill can go to just meat. When you know you're spending $20 on four pounds of beef, it can be a little daunting. I am always amazed to come out on budget!
There are plenty more things that I need to buy. There are things such as arrowroot, almond flour, coconut flour, and things of this nature that I may need in the future. It's always easier to buy one at a time because they are quite expensive.
Transitioning to paleo can be a challenge if you're pantry is already full of non-paleo foods. If you transition and discover you are gulten intolerant like I did and within a week or two can't eat gluten without getting sick, this could be even more of a challenge. My advice is try to use up all those non-paleo items within the first one to two weeks. When you make this decision, do NOT buy anything non-paleo. For instance, use up all of your cheese, then don't buy anymore.
If you're on a budget like we are, make sure to pick and choose what you just HAVE to buy a higher quality, and where you can save.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Eating Paleo - How Much Does it Cost?
I have many a day encountered questions (mainly from family members) about the cost of eating healthy. Most people know I am a stay at home mom and that my husband is the only income that we have. I have always been honest that we do receive food stamps, but it is definitely not enough to last a family of five for a full month.
I have always been a big proponent for couponing and spending this money responsibly. I do not believe in spending this money on candy, soda, or energy drinks (even when I did still drink or eat these things, I refused to use my card for those items). While I do not work now, I have and believe that many people work very hard to contribute to these taxes that help provide this money to help out our family. We are thankful for every dollar.
That being said, and being honest about it with everyone, people often ask how in the world I afford "organic" or "paleo" or "gluten free" items. I've talked about this in one of my recent videos called, "Who Says You Can't Eat Healthy on a Budget!?" Here's the revelation that I had this afternoon while trying to buy paleo.
Paleo Eating Is Only As Expensive as YOU Make It!!!
Here's the issues. As some of you might know (I guess I just assume you guys know everything.) our house was destroyed by a tornado and we have been home hoping and couch surfing for a while. It was fine until we had to move into a hotel that had no fridge and no microwave. I had to throw away almost a weeks worth of food. (Yes, I cried.)
Thankfully, we've since moved (again...Good grief I never want to move again!) and this hotel has a fridge that is so cold it freezes everything, and a small microwave. I felt human again getting to go to the store and buy food! I am to the point I HATE fast food. I get nauscious and a headache just thinking about it. Our Kroger has plenty of gluten free options, including in the freezer section. But, this is where I found my point. Frozen, gluten free, convenience food is terribly expensive. Now, I see why people think eating healthy is expensive. One thing I have learned over the years is that you pay (out the nose) for convenience. Even the prices of block cheese to shredded cheese is amazing for the same amount of cheese.
So with limited resources but desperately needing to get back to paleo (more like running, screaming, and flailing into the wonderful arms of paleo) I bit the bullet and bought these foods. We had already bought things for breakfast and fruit that didn't need refrigerated. I spent way too much money. This was a bit ridiculous. If I were able to cook properly, and had my beautiful kitchen (I will hug my kitchen when I get it there.) then I would be buying very little "processed" food. In all honesty, even if it is gluten (and dairy free for Mark) but is frozen or pre-made, it is still processed food. I am by no means a hardcore paleo, but the purpose of seeking a paleo lifestyle is to get away from the pre-prepared foods.
Is it hard? You bet! I'm about to have to figure out how to feed three kiddos at school paleo (including one kiddo that is super picky and wasn't raised on healthy food). But, that will be for another post.
Paleo is really easy if you take the time (and time management skills) to cook. Cook fresh vegetables that are in season (more abundant, therefore cheaper). Pick and choose which meats you are more likely to need organic. We eat more chicken than anything so I often try to buy it organic. We have developed a taste for better quality ground beef, so I buy Simple Truth All Natural or Organic Grass Fed. Look for great sales! I know some people may not be able to handle it, but Kroger does some great clearance on meat from time to time, including organic meats. If you have a freezer, stock up! I'm hoping in the future to have our own garden and learn more about canning to preserve fresh vegetables.
Another great value that Paleo tries to instill in people is to make relationships with local growers. When you build these relationships, you are more easily (and cheaply) able to obtain great products fresh from the farm. Even my kiddos love going to the farmer's market and learning about how they grow their products. I can't wait to get home so I can get out the local market and purchase some real fresh local grass fed organic meat.
So to conclude this long conversation about food (we're all hungry now right?), I want to tell you guys that this hasn't been the easiest journey. The best things to do are plan ahead, budget, and to make relationships with local growers. Paleo does not have to be outrageous if you avoid the prepared foods as much as possible. Take the time, use your time management skills and stick to the real stuff.
Sending you guys lots of love!
There have been a lot of tornadoes lately, and I'm sending extra love, peace, and hopefully a little hope that it'll get better. We're with you and love you. Stay positive and dream big! This is a clean slate.
I have always been a big proponent for couponing and spending this money responsibly. I do not believe in spending this money on candy, soda, or energy drinks (even when I did still drink or eat these things, I refused to use my card for those items). While I do not work now, I have and believe that many people work very hard to contribute to these taxes that help provide this money to help out our family. We are thankful for every dollar.
That being said, and being honest about it with everyone, people often ask how in the world I afford "organic" or "paleo" or "gluten free" items. I've talked about this in one of my recent videos called, "Who Says You Can't Eat Healthy on a Budget!?" Here's the revelation that I had this afternoon while trying to buy paleo.
Paleo Eating Is Only As Expensive as YOU Make It!!!
Here's the issues. As some of you might know (I guess I just assume you guys know everything.) our house was destroyed by a tornado and we have been home hoping and couch surfing for a while. It was fine until we had to move into a hotel that had no fridge and no microwave. I had to throw away almost a weeks worth of food. (Yes, I cried.)
Thankfully, we've since moved (again...Good grief I never want to move again!) and this hotel has a fridge that is so cold it freezes everything, and a small microwave. I felt human again getting to go to the store and buy food! I am to the point I HATE fast food. I get nauscious and a headache just thinking about it. Our Kroger has plenty of gluten free options, including in the freezer section. But, this is where I found my point. Frozen, gluten free, convenience food is terribly expensive. Now, I see why people think eating healthy is expensive. One thing I have learned over the years is that you pay (out the nose) for convenience. Even the prices of block cheese to shredded cheese is amazing for the same amount of cheese.
So with limited resources but desperately needing to get back to paleo (more like running, screaming, and flailing into the wonderful arms of paleo) I bit the bullet and bought these foods. We had already bought things for breakfast and fruit that didn't need refrigerated. I spent way too much money. This was a bit ridiculous. If I were able to cook properly, and had my beautiful kitchen (I will hug my kitchen when I get it there.) then I would be buying very little "processed" food. In all honesty, even if it is gluten (and dairy free for Mark) but is frozen or pre-made, it is still processed food. I am by no means a hardcore paleo, but the purpose of seeking a paleo lifestyle is to get away from the pre-prepared foods.
Is it hard? You bet! I'm about to have to figure out how to feed three kiddos at school paleo (including one kiddo that is super picky and wasn't raised on healthy food). But, that will be for another post.
Paleo is really easy if you take the time (and time management skills) to cook. Cook fresh vegetables that are in season (more abundant, therefore cheaper). Pick and choose which meats you are more likely to need organic. We eat more chicken than anything so I often try to buy it organic. We have developed a taste for better quality ground beef, so I buy Simple Truth All Natural or Organic Grass Fed. Look for great sales! I know some people may not be able to handle it, but Kroger does some great clearance on meat from time to time, including organic meats. If you have a freezer, stock up! I'm hoping in the future to have our own garden and learn more about canning to preserve fresh vegetables.
Another great value that Paleo tries to instill in people is to make relationships with local growers. When you build these relationships, you are more easily (and cheaply) able to obtain great products fresh from the farm. Even my kiddos love going to the farmer's market and learning about how they grow their products. I can't wait to get home so I can get out the local market and purchase some real fresh local grass fed organic meat.
So to conclude this long conversation about food (we're all hungry now right?), I want to tell you guys that this hasn't been the easiest journey. The best things to do are plan ahead, budget, and to make relationships with local growers. Paleo does not have to be outrageous if you avoid the prepared foods as much as possible. Take the time, use your time management skills and stick to the real stuff.
Sending you guys lots of love!
There have been a lot of tornadoes lately, and I'm sending extra love, peace, and hopefully a little hope that it'll get better. We're with you and love you. Stay positive and dream big! This is a clean slate.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Gluten Intolerance Update
Well good morning y'all!
It's been tough this last month. As y'all may know, I went paleo in the beginning of April. I soon discovered I had a switch that flipped. I discovered that I am gluten intolerant. How did I come to this conclusion?
Any gluten slip ups I made led to sore throats (like the allergic reactions I have to crab and paprika), headaches, and stomach pains in the morning that rivaled that of labor! I verified this with someone I consider an expert because celiac disease and gluten intolerance is hard to diagnose.
I've had some personal issues with this. Our house, as I've mentioned, was destroyed by a tornado. We're having to depend on the kindness of donations (which we haven't been able to eat much of) and have been on the most extreme of budgets. That makes it really hard to restock the normal things I need to cook with.
I've been discovering just how bad my intolerance is. I can't even use seasonings with gluten in it. You would think seasonings would be a miniscule amount of gluten, but there is still a reaction.
It's personally difficult because many people don't understand. You can't see gluten intolerance. People don't understand the pain I go through when I eat gluten. It's hard for my husband when he just wants to go out to eat and I'm sitting there for half an hour trying to figure out what I can eat and asking the waiter a million questions.
Then you get the comments about being a health nut...and that you ate gluten your entire life. These can be some of the most hurtful. I've held this weight for my entire life. I've worked hard to get it off with no success. I've never been the cleanest eater, but ate much better than most people I knew. I worked out consistently and with intensity. Nothing worked.
This has worked for me! Let me list just a few of the benefits I've seen since going paleo.
If you're reading this and are going through the same situation, know that you aren't alone. This is a switch that can be unswitched. This will be an issue we deal with the rest of our lives. Hopefully it will become happier and healthier. There's a great article on that mentions how our bodies create antibodies to attack the gluten we ingest and I think gives good evidence of why I can't "un-gluten intolerance" myself.
I love you guys and thank you for your continued reading.
If you have any questions, comments, etc please feel free to leave them in the comment section below! <3
It's been tough this last month. As y'all may know, I went paleo in the beginning of April. I soon discovered I had a switch that flipped. I discovered that I am gluten intolerant. How did I come to this conclusion?
Any gluten slip ups I made led to sore throats (like the allergic reactions I have to crab and paprika), headaches, and stomach pains in the morning that rivaled that of labor! I verified this with someone I consider an expert because celiac disease and gluten intolerance is hard to diagnose.
I've had some personal issues with this. Our house, as I've mentioned, was destroyed by a tornado. We're having to depend on the kindness of donations (which we haven't been able to eat much of) and have been on the most extreme of budgets. That makes it really hard to restock the normal things I need to cook with.
I've been discovering just how bad my intolerance is. I can't even use seasonings with gluten in it. You would think seasonings would be a miniscule amount of gluten, but there is still a reaction.
It's personally difficult because many people don't understand. You can't see gluten intolerance. People don't understand the pain I go through when I eat gluten. It's hard for my husband when he just wants to go out to eat and I'm sitting there for half an hour trying to figure out what I can eat and asking the waiter a million questions.
Then you get the comments about being a health nut...and that you ate gluten your entire life. These can be some of the most hurtful. I've held this weight for my entire life. I've worked hard to get it off with no success. I've never been the cleanest eater, but ate much better than most people I knew. I worked out consistently and with intensity. Nothing worked.
This has worked for me! Let me list just a few of the benefits I've seen since going paleo.
- Less bloated
- More energy
- Less headaches (as long as I stay completely away from gluten)
- Clearer skin
- Better sleep (at times when there are no interruptions like we had this morning)
- A little bit of weight loss (I don't have a scale to measure how much, but last I checked about 5 lbs)
- Clothing fits better
- Food is more satisfying
If you're reading this and are going through the same situation, know that you aren't alone. This is a switch that can be unswitched. This will be an issue we deal with the rest of our lives. Hopefully it will become happier and healthier. There's a great article on that mentions how our bodies create antibodies to attack the gluten we ingest and I think gives good evidence of why I can't "un-gluten intolerance" myself.
I love you guys and thank you for your continued reading.
If you have any questions, comments, etc please feel free to leave them in the comment section below! <3
Monday, May 19, 2014
Who says you can't eat healthy on a budget!?
I've done a video on this subject on the vlog and I'll link that here:
And btw....I say you CAN eat healthy on a budget!!!!! It just depends on what you're buying and putting in that cart....
Last night as I pushed my cart through the isles, knowing we have a whole house to restock eventually....Living with family members who are young and don't have the same things in their cabinets that I would (which hey! is not a bad thing, I've had fun experimenting ^__^). So there are a few things that I needed that would increase the bill. I had to buy olive oil, aminos (a questionable paleo item...but I'm going with it...I do way too much asian cooking not to having something soy sauce like), and I went ahead and bought a pre-mixed bag of bread mix. I am just not a big fan of the breads that I have found so far. They're not soft and often taste very bad. I've tried this brand's gluten free brownies and let me tell ya...They're pretty amazing!!!!
So bread pans and bread mix... I think it will be helpful if I could have an easy mix, and bake. It may even be slightly more cost effective. A frozen loaf of Rudi's bread found in the natural isle freezer section at Kroger is $5.87 and the bread mix by itself is $4.49. The ingredients that need thrown in it are things we usually keep around such as eggs, oil, water. They have several ways to use this as a pie crust, pizza crust. Really....I'm a huge fan of Pamela's.
I also got the two ingredients I didn't have on hand to make homemade organic ketchup!!!! My crazy obsession with organic ketchup is legendary. I usually go for Simple Truth Organic Ketchup. It's SO GOOD! But, I am always looking to make things more paleo, more from scratch with as little ingredients as possible. I'm looking forward to when we get back home and start a garden and I can grow my own tomatoes!
But, all in all (and I guess getting back to my point...), YOU CAN EAT HEALTHY ON A BUDGET! Krogers is great for coupons even on meat and produce! Look for ways to use cheaper ingredients to make the things you need. Eat closer to "in season" when certain veggies and fruits are in abundance and not having to be trucked in. Check out your local farmer's market. If you're like us and using SNAP or food stamps, use coupons and buy responsibly so that your balance lasts longer and you get those benefits such as not having to pay the tax. Every dollar helps. Just because you don't make a ton of money, have five people to feed, and times are uncertain, don't let it throw your budget in the garbage!
Paleo helps so much on our budget because we don't have to buy dairy, wheat bread, or I even realized also, sugar! With coupons, I saved 10% or $14.46! Even though it was only 4 days worth of food, I was really happy with what I accomplished and I know it'll go down the next time because I have some of my essentials in the pantry.
So check it out! And if you have a success and want to share it with me and the rest of the readers, leave a comment below! <3
Sending you lots of love and peace to you and your journey...
Ami M. Lee, The Crazy Paleo Hippie Gal
And btw....I say you CAN eat healthy on a budget!!!!! It just depends on what you're buying and putting in that cart....
Last night as I pushed my cart through the isles, knowing we have a whole house to restock eventually....Living with family members who are young and don't have the same things in their cabinets that I would (which hey! is not a bad thing, I've had fun experimenting ^__^). So there are a few things that I needed that would increase the bill. I had to buy olive oil, aminos (a questionable paleo item...but I'm going with it...I do way too much asian cooking not to having something soy sauce like), and I went ahead and bought a pre-mixed bag of bread mix. I am just not a big fan of the breads that I have found so far. They're not soft and often taste very bad. I've tried this brand's gluten free brownies and let me tell ya...They're pretty amazing!!!!
So bread pans and bread mix... I think it will be helpful if I could have an easy mix, and bake. It may even be slightly more cost effective. A frozen loaf of Rudi's bread found in the natural isle freezer section at Kroger is $5.87 and the bread mix by itself is $4.49. The ingredients that need thrown in it are things we usually keep around such as eggs, oil, water. They have several ways to use this as a pie crust, pizza crust. Really....I'm a huge fan of Pamela's.
I also got the two ingredients I didn't have on hand to make homemade organic ketchup!!!! My crazy obsession with organic ketchup is legendary. I usually go for Simple Truth Organic Ketchup. It's SO GOOD! But, I am always looking to make things more paleo, more from scratch with as little ingredients as possible. I'm looking forward to when we get back home and start a garden and I can grow my own tomatoes!
But, all in all (and I guess getting back to my point...), YOU CAN EAT HEALTHY ON A BUDGET! Krogers is great for coupons even on meat and produce! Look for ways to use cheaper ingredients to make the things you need. Eat closer to "in season" when certain veggies and fruits are in abundance and not having to be trucked in. Check out your local farmer's market. If you're like us and using SNAP or food stamps, use coupons and buy responsibly so that your balance lasts longer and you get those benefits such as not having to pay the tax. Every dollar helps. Just because you don't make a ton of money, have five people to feed, and times are uncertain, don't let it throw your budget in the garbage!
Paleo helps so much on our budget because we don't have to buy dairy, wheat bread, or I even realized also, sugar! With coupons, I saved 10% or $14.46! Even though it was only 4 days worth of food, I was really happy with what I accomplished and I know it'll go down the next time because I have some of my essentials in the pantry.
So check it out! And if you have a success and want to share it with me and the rest of the readers, leave a comment below! <3
Sending you lots of love and peace to you and your journey...
Ami M. Lee, The Crazy Paleo Hippie Gal
Friday, May 16, 2014
The Dreaded CRAVINGS!!!
Every lady that has ever been pregnant either loves cravings, or loves to hate cravings. Men, you guys get cravings too! I've even heard of sympathy cravings with husband's of pregnant women, but that's probably hearsay.
So what are cravings? Why do we have cravings? From my experience, and various sources it is the way our body let's us know our body needs something to function properly.
For instance, I know that I have been low iron for a very long time. Not enough to be medicated for anemia. However, my mother is anemic. I also monitor what I call, "The Doctor Oz Trick." If you gently pull your lower eyelid down to see the reddish colored part around the eye, it should be a rich pinkish red color. If the part closest to the eye is light pink to white, then it is a sign of low iron.
I have been this way for many years now, especially after I had my son. It makes sense that I have craved GREENS ever since! I couldn't live in a world without some greens. And I'm not picky about them either. LOL But, think about what greens are good for... These type of plants (leafy greens) are usually high in iron. It's often high on the list of recommendations for pregnant women including red meat, chicken, legumes...etc.
When we're dieting...people get really scared of cravings. Y'all know I have plenty of them! Every now and then I just need a brownie. Sometimes you have to stop....stay calm....and figure out what is in what you're craving.
Now...I know how hard it is to do to give in to cravings responsibly. Well, going paleo and finding out your gluten intolerant kind of helps. I know I'll get sick, have a headache, or sore throat if I have even miniscule amounts of gluten. That really deters me from straying. Sucks that it takes actual pain or illness to deter me from eating something, but that's how our bodies were originally designed.
So here's my two cents about cravings. Realize you have a craving. Identify what the benefits or basics of the craving is such as sweet, salty, or the benefits that could be in the food such as iron in leafy greens. Figure out how to responsibly satisfy what your body needs so that your body's cravings will subside.
One part of being gluten intolerant and possibly facing issues with celiac disease, the gluten breaks down the lining of the intestines making it difficult if not impossible for you to get the nutrients out of the food you're eating. Removing gluten is essential for my body so that I can actually pull out the nutrients my body is craving. Now, I know paleo and gluten free is not for everyone. I understand tough times guys...My house just was destroyed. All my healthy food in a fridge that was never found.
I have had to eat gluten because I had to, but for some reason I couldn't get back used to gluten. It's like when you go off gluten and find out your reactions and intolerance, there's no going back. It's been a few days back on the mostly paleo path (I see to be okay with dairy on occasion) and I'm feeling much better. I have more energy. I feel like getting up and actually doing things and my panic cravings when I'm extremely stressed are subsiding.
I hope this was helpful and that'll you'll do some self-reflection when you have a craving and figure out what your body is asking for. Understand that cravings are your body giving you hints to what will help you feel better. Any questions or need help? You're always welcome to leave me a comment!
Sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey!
-Ami M. Lee, Journey on the Final Coutndown
So what are cravings? Why do we have cravings? From my experience, and various sources it is the way our body let's us know our body needs something to function properly.
For instance, I know that I have been low iron for a very long time. Not enough to be medicated for anemia. However, my mother is anemic. I also monitor what I call, "The Doctor Oz Trick." If you gently pull your lower eyelid down to see the reddish colored part around the eye, it should be a rich pinkish red color. If the part closest to the eye is light pink to white, then it is a sign of low iron.
I have been this way for many years now, especially after I had my son. It makes sense that I have craved GREENS ever since! I couldn't live in a world without some greens. And I'm not picky about them either. LOL But, think about what greens are good for... These type of plants (leafy greens) are usually high in iron. It's often high on the list of recommendations for pregnant women including red meat, chicken, legumes...etc.
When we're dieting...people get really scared of cravings. Y'all know I have plenty of them! Every now and then I just need a brownie. Sometimes you have to stop....stay calm....and figure out what is in what you're craving.
Now...I know how hard it is to do to give in to cravings responsibly. Well, going paleo and finding out your gluten intolerant kind of helps. I know I'll get sick, have a headache, or sore throat if I have even miniscule amounts of gluten. That really deters me from straying. Sucks that it takes actual pain or illness to deter me from eating something, but that's how our bodies were originally designed.
So here's my two cents about cravings. Realize you have a craving. Identify what the benefits or basics of the craving is such as sweet, salty, or the benefits that could be in the food such as iron in leafy greens. Figure out how to responsibly satisfy what your body needs so that your body's cravings will subside.
One part of being gluten intolerant and possibly facing issues with celiac disease, the gluten breaks down the lining of the intestines making it difficult if not impossible for you to get the nutrients out of the food you're eating. Removing gluten is essential for my body so that I can actually pull out the nutrients my body is craving. Now, I know paleo and gluten free is not for everyone. I understand tough times guys...My house just was destroyed. All my healthy food in a fridge that was never found.
I have had to eat gluten because I had to, but for some reason I couldn't get back used to gluten. It's like when you go off gluten and find out your reactions and intolerance, there's no going back. It's been a few days back on the mostly paleo path (I see to be okay with dairy on occasion) and I'm feeling much better. I have more energy. I feel like getting up and actually doing things and my panic cravings when I'm extremely stressed are subsiding.
I hope this was helpful and that'll you'll do some self-reflection when you have a craving and figure out what your body is asking for. Understand that cravings are your body giving you hints to what will help you feel better. Any questions or need help? You're always welcome to leave me a comment!
Sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey!
-Ami M. Lee, Journey on the Final Coutndown
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
My Absence
Hey my blogging family peeps!
So it's been a few weeks since I've blogged. Why? Oh, a tornado kind of destroyed my computer...and my house....And everything I own.
We lived in Vilonia, AR and about 7:20ish on April 27th, 2014 a storm descended upon our town. An EF-4 tornado forever change my life.
I don't want to go on about it. I'm actually writing my story down in the hopes of publishing it so that others going through this same situation can have hope and to encourage others to have a safety plan.
Long story short? Never...
My family is safe. My husband was at work. I am still very sad about two of our neighbors passing trying to ride out the storm in their house.
Since that time we've seen some of the best people in the world and some of the worst. I like to try to stick to thinking about the best. I don't think many people understand much about literally losing every item from the carpet on the floor up. Not just it all being crushed...We haven't found big things such as appliances, walls, doors, windows, beds, mattresses.
Our immediate needs have been met and if you would like to donate or get updates we have a facebook page at: Lee Family Needs #PrayForVilonia
We're trying to raise money to have a house put out there. We love and appreciate all the love and support we've received. So many amazing volunteers, especially the night this happened.
Things will never be the same.
But we're still fighting....Down, but never defeated.
Wishing you all out there safety and love.
I know there have been many storms since and many reported tornadoes. Have a plan. That's honestly, what saved our lives.
So it's been a few weeks since I've blogged. Why? Oh, a tornado kind of destroyed my computer...and my house....And everything I own.
We lived in Vilonia, AR and about 7:20ish on April 27th, 2014 a storm descended upon our town. An EF-4 tornado forever change my life.
I don't want to go on about it. I'm actually writing my story down in the hopes of publishing it so that others going through this same situation can have hope and to encourage others to have a safety plan.
Long story short? Never...
My family is safe. My husband was at work. I am still very sad about two of our neighbors passing trying to ride out the storm in their house.
Since that time we've seen some of the best people in the world and some of the worst. I like to try to stick to thinking about the best. I don't think many people understand much about literally losing every item from the carpet on the floor up. Not just it all being crushed...We haven't found big things such as appliances, walls, doors, windows, beds, mattresses.
Our immediate needs have been met and if you would like to donate or get updates we have a facebook page at: Lee Family Needs #PrayForVilonia
We're trying to raise money to have a house put out there. We love and appreciate all the love and support we've received. So many amazing volunteers, especially the night this happened.
Things will never be the same.
But we're still fighting....Down, but never defeated.
Wishing you all out there safety and love.
I know there have been many storms since and many reported tornadoes. Have a plan. That's honestly, what saved our lives.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Our House Was Lost in A Tornado
On April 27, 2014 a tornado warned storm produced an EF4 tornado that destroyed much of our town of Vilonia including our home.
You guys may know by now that I'm always looking for the positives. We have our lives. We have the beautiful generousity of others.
In this new adventure on the Journey on the Final Countdown I may be very absent for a while. Although, I am quite proud I still haven't broken 'A Year with No Soda' yet, even though I down right feel I deserve to.
So I sit, waiting to go out and see the progress on cleanup. I'll never look at my storm photography, or severe weather the same. My love and passion is still there, but I'm hoping in the future I can pay it forward and help others in our same situation.
I told my husband last night that I haven't really cried much, but I figure when everything is clean. When all of the houses and debris are gone, that will probably be my moment to truly morn and say that our lives are gone.
We have met some of the greatest people and some of the worst. But, the best outweight the worst by far. No amount of insurance could have saved our house or our neighbors lives.
If you would like to donate to help out my family please check out We appreciate prayers and positive thoughts are equally appreciated. Please remember that if you can't say anything nice, the best response is silence. All my love to those generous hearts out there.
-Ami M. Lee
You guys may know by now that I'm always looking for the positives. We have our lives. We have the beautiful generousity of others.
In this new adventure on the Journey on the Final Countdown I may be very absent for a while. Although, I am quite proud I still haven't broken 'A Year with No Soda' yet, even though I down right feel I deserve to.
So I sit, waiting to go out and see the progress on cleanup. I'll never look at my storm photography, or severe weather the same. My love and passion is still there, but I'm hoping in the future I can pay it forward and help others in our same situation.
I told my husband last night that I haven't really cried much, but I figure when everything is clean. When all of the houses and debris are gone, that will probably be my moment to truly morn and say that our lives are gone.
We have met some of the greatest people and some of the worst. But, the best outweight the worst by far. No amount of insurance could have saved our house or our neighbors lives.
If you would like to donate to help out my family please check out We appreciate prayers and positive thoughts are equally appreciated. Please remember that if you can't say anything nice, the best response is silence. All my love to those generous hearts out there.
-Ami M. Lee
Friday, April 25, 2014
Happy Little Accidents
So tonight y'all I attempted to make one of me and my kiddo's favorite Korean foods. Steam Dumplings! Oh so yummy! I learned the recipe from Maangchi on YouTube (You should go check her out! So awesome!) But, going paleo I can't use wheat based flour and I can't use soy sauce! How in the world can us Paleo folks go without Asian Cuisine!?!? Well, I don't know about you, but I cannot!
And quite frankly, we do have soy sauce but as I've mentioned I've been having terrible reactions to gluten since going gluten free! You know on those weak moments and you slip up and have a hand full of cookies...Yes, I regretted that the next morning with labor pains of a gluten baby!!!!
Well the dough made with Brown Rice Flour was a big ole flop!!!!!! AGGHHH!!!!!!
But, I can't just throw 3 cups of expensive flour in the trash y'all. We aren't made of money and the money tree died a few years ago. :)
So what did I do? I did dumplings a different way. I took the dough, as crumbly as it was...Got it as smooth as I could....rolled it out like play dough snakes. Sliced them on the diagonal, fried them in a pan, a splash of water, quick lid...2 minutes and BOOM! Fried/steamed dumplings....Throwing it in what was going to be the filling turning this happy little accident into a new creation!
Innovation! Creation! WOO! (I'm high on innovation! That's legal right???)
I will try later to come back and work some magic on figuring out what in the world I did. I'm sitting here with the finished product in my lap and it is yummy!!! Best of all, I won't regret it in the morning.
So when you feel like you made a big boo boo and are about to trash supper...Kick down the sides of the box and venture out. See what you can do!
Hope you are all having a wonderful evening!
Happy cooking and bon appetite!
-Ami M. Lee
New Vlog up!
So here it is...How it's really been going. Hand movements, funny faces, rambling, and TMI. You can watch above or head over to and while you're there don't forget to click that like and subscribe button. It makes me very happy!!!
Happy, happy, happy!!!
-Ami M. Lee
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Transitioning to Paleo....How I feel When I Don't Eat Clean...
So we're still in that transitioning phase of the paleo lifestyle. My husband is having a difficult time giving up his chocolate milk. I am definitely having sugar withdraw. Luckily, kids are doing great!
I'm tippy typing away here while making breakfast for lunch....Sneezing my head off! WOO!
Sunday was Easter. We don't necessarily "celebrate" Easter, but we did go over to Mamaw's house (mom in-law) to eat and hide Easter eggs with our four (3 kiddos and 1 niece-ee-poo). She even warned me that all diets were supposed to be left behind. Of course, me and my big fat mouth blurted out...Well I might get sick if I over do it.
I talked at length with my husband last night. I hate being so high maintenance and I'm always worried that someone will be offended or take it personal that I don't want to eat whatever they choose to make. I LOVE eating! I love cooking and I love good food! The problem is the next day where I lose all my energy, I can't concentrate, I have awful experiences in the bathroom, and a low-grade headache/migraine making me nauseous all day long.
It hasn't helped that I've realized I'm not only allergic to paprika and shellfish, but I'm also allergic to ham. I haven't had a food allergy in my life! Paprika hasn't been a big deal and I found that out in about 8th grade. Easy to keep away from most of the time, especially if you cook your own food and don't buy it. I just recently found my shellfish allergy while on vacation, and I realized I had the same reaction (if not worse) last year when I ate ham. I confirmed with my mom in-law that it was even a different brand of ham.
I have also come to the possible conclusion that dairy doesn't so much affect me as much as gluten does! Cutting out gluten in the majority of our diet, now every time I have a gluten-ous product I get very sick. I cramp and feel like getting sick.
It's one of those things that I want to be okay with. If I get sick every time I eat something with gluten and I get sick...I'll train my mind pretty quick...If you eat THAT *insert gluten laden product* you're going to get sick. And not just sick...You'll be in pain. The pain so bad you compared it to labor pains! However, that's pretty extreme. I'm okay with it guys. But, I think it's almost helped identify why I may have kept this weight on no matter what I've done. If I have a gluten sensitivity and didn't know it, I could just keep on that weight.
Have I noticed a difference yet? Not be completely honest. Then know what happens to us women (sorry TMI!) and we won't be able to tell if we lost a single ounce for a while. I do feel like my collar bone is more pronounced. Me and my body, any time I have lost weight, the first place it usually "shows" is my collar bones and my face.
I have started having allergy issues. Tea and honey and LOTS of water have become my drink of choice. I find it difficult to have long conversations. My body is going through some wacko change. I'm wondering if it's the change in my eating. But, I guess I have to go through hell to get to heaven right?
It's weird to be okay with being in a lot of pain...having such strong withdraw. The panic attacks over food. It's just what I have to go through. It's what I went through with sodas! 107 days I began a very tough journey! I am so proud of that number! Over 100 days without soda or energy drinks!
I feel the same way going off of gluten. Again, dairy (very surprisingly) hasn't been an issue. Now, I am still working on getting rid of our cheese. But, I kind of mix the mostly lactose free cheese (we'll switch to fully gluten free soon, it's just $4.50 for a tiny little chunk!) with the regular cheese. Mark seems to be doing much better. He's my lactose intolerant baby. Trust me, you can tell when he's had cheese or milk. He actually got pretty sick the day after Easter, but has already rebounded.
And...I guess I'm rambling aren't I? Just a lot of things on my mind today. I never thought in my wildest dreams I could realistically have such a big dietary change and be okay with it. I don't feel deprived. I eat. I eat well. My kids eat well and I don't have to be a short order cook to feed them! I'm getting more excited to "Paleo-fy" more meals and foods we like. It doesn't always work but we're figuring it out. Chicken strips and orange fries have been a hit! Kids did great on cheeseburger night with gluten free bread and veggie cheese. Although tonight...I'm not sure what we'll do. I'm thinking baked chicken with lemon, basil potatoes, green beans, and leeks! (I LOVE LEEKS!)
So I hope y'all are having a great day. Again, sorry for the long ramble. I just felt like letting it all out! It's good for the mind and soul. <3
Lots of love and peace to you,
Ami M. Lee
I'm tippy typing away here while making breakfast for lunch....Sneezing my head off! WOO!
Sunday was Easter. We don't necessarily "celebrate" Easter, but we did go over to Mamaw's house (mom in-law) to eat and hide Easter eggs with our four (3 kiddos and 1 niece-ee-poo). She even warned me that all diets were supposed to be left behind. Of course, me and my big fat mouth blurted out...Well I might get sick if I over do it.
I talked at length with my husband last night. I hate being so high maintenance and I'm always worried that someone will be offended or take it personal that I don't want to eat whatever they choose to make. I LOVE eating! I love cooking and I love good food! The problem is the next day where I lose all my energy, I can't concentrate, I have awful experiences in the bathroom, and a low-grade headache/migraine making me nauseous all day long.
It hasn't helped that I've realized I'm not only allergic to paprika and shellfish, but I'm also allergic to ham. I haven't had a food allergy in my life! Paprika hasn't been a big deal and I found that out in about 8th grade. Easy to keep away from most of the time, especially if you cook your own food and don't buy it. I just recently found my shellfish allergy while on vacation, and I realized I had the same reaction (if not worse) last year when I ate ham. I confirmed with my mom in-law that it was even a different brand of ham.
I have also come to the possible conclusion that dairy doesn't so much affect me as much as gluten does! Cutting out gluten in the majority of our diet, now every time I have a gluten-ous product I get very sick. I cramp and feel like getting sick.
It's one of those things that I want to be okay with. If I get sick every time I eat something with gluten and I get sick...I'll train my mind pretty quick...If you eat THAT *insert gluten laden product* you're going to get sick. And not just sick...You'll be in pain. The pain so bad you compared it to labor pains! However, that's pretty extreme. I'm okay with it guys. But, I think it's almost helped identify why I may have kept this weight on no matter what I've done. If I have a gluten sensitivity and didn't know it, I could just keep on that weight.
Have I noticed a difference yet? Not be completely honest. Then know what happens to us women (sorry TMI!) and we won't be able to tell if we lost a single ounce for a while. I do feel like my collar bone is more pronounced. Me and my body, any time I have lost weight, the first place it usually "shows" is my collar bones and my face.
I have started having allergy issues. Tea and honey and LOTS of water have become my drink of choice. I find it difficult to have long conversations. My body is going through some wacko change. I'm wondering if it's the change in my eating. But, I guess I have to go through hell to get to heaven right?
It's weird to be okay with being in a lot of pain...having such strong withdraw. The panic attacks over food. It's just what I have to go through. It's what I went through with sodas! 107 days I began a very tough journey! I am so proud of that number! Over 100 days without soda or energy drinks!
I feel the same way going off of gluten. Again, dairy (very surprisingly) hasn't been an issue. Now, I am still working on getting rid of our cheese. But, I kind of mix the mostly lactose free cheese (we'll switch to fully gluten free soon, it's just $4.50 for a tiny little chunk!) with the regular cheese. Mark seems to be doing much better. He's my lactose intolerant baby. Trust me, you can tell when he's had cheese or milk. He actually got pretty sick the day after Easter, but has already rebounded.
And...I guess I'm rambling aren't I? Just a lot of things on my mind today. I never thought in my wildest dreams I could realistically have such a big dietary change and be okay with it. I don't feel deprived. I eat. I eat well. My kids eat well and I don't have to be a short order cook to feed them! I'm getting more excited to "Paleo-fy" more meals and foods we like. It doesn't always work but we're figuring it out. Chicken strips and orange fries have been a hit! Kids did great on cheeseburger night with gluten free bread and veggie cheese. Although tonight...I'm not sure what we'll do. I'm thinking baked chicken with lemon, basil potatoes, green beans, and leeks! (I LOVE LEEKS!)
So I hope y'all are having a great day. Again, sorry for the long ramble. I just felt like letting it all out! It's good for the mind and soul. <3
Lots of love and peace to you,
Ami M. Lee
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Happy Easter or Happy Sunday!!!
Okay...This post will start off with a warning. I will be discussing something quite controversial. Aka Religion. As a Buddhist and a Southern Gal I please ask you that if you can't saying anything nice, don't say anything at all. :) And just wait till the next post. <3 This is simply my views and I choose to respect anyone and everyone. I think this could be a good story for some of those that have fallen out of grace with the Christian community but are trying to seek that place where you aren't bitter or angry any more. Because for a time I found myself angry. In the end, I think I was more angry at myself than the poor examples I saw around me. So let's start shall we?
Today is Easter! I realized today was the first Easter I will spend as a Buddhist. It is really weird because most of my family is Christian and my in-laws are pretty hard core Christian. You're wondering how a person surrounded by so much Christianism grows up to be a Buddhist? My husband put it this way, that I was more Buddhist than anything most of my life, I just didn't know it.
When I first had this realization I was happy and devastated at the same time. When I officially "let go" of Christianity I felt free and as if I was able to breath! I didn't have to hold myself to ridiculous standards that no one understood or couldn't have one understanding of. I felt I didn't have to look to God to heal my suffering or my problems. I was in control of my destiny. While I cannot ignore the invisible hand of fate that guides us through life, it's unexplainable. The Buddha, when asked about these grand questions of where we come from, is there a God or higher being he'd simply remain silent. It wasn't of importance to answer such great questions because it is beyond ourselves. I like that. No one really has solid proof that any God(s) exist. And that's okay! Bill Nye the Science Guy really impressed me in the debate with Ken Hamm. He often said if you can bring us proof, the scientific community would welcome it and accept it! I wanted to do that. I wanted to model my ideas around this idea. To respect every religion and if someone else can change my mind, great! If not...I'm just gonna go on being good ole' Ami!
I think there is this common misconception that if you aren't Christian that you're an atheist. If you're not "with them" you're "against them." If you're not Christian you're an alcoholic, a drug addict, or you are miserable and suffering in your life. (It couldn't be FURTHER from the truth!) I just cannot accept that type of mentality. However, this is so unfortunate because it drives so many good people to bitterness against a whole group of people. That's not good either! So why am I rambling about this? Here's my point.
Thinking back on last year the song "Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace" by Big and Rich came to mind. I struggled. Oh how I struggled. I was so scared of the reactions of my family. I was scared especially of my in-laws, probably still am, but I'm a little more at peace about my decision now.
So to the point maybe? Hee hee hee.....
Today is the day we celebrate a man that rose from the dead after being brutally beaten and crucified. Hung out on a cross to die. The image in my mind makes me sick. I was not a child inspired by movies like The Passion. I cried and was so thoroughly disturbed that humans were capable of such violence. But, I find myself trying to find something. Something to take away from this story. Something so that when my in-law's and family are praying over Easter lunch...What can I think of? Where can I be thankful for this story? Where can I relate? Because I've learned the beginnings of compassion and love for ALL people starts with understanding and being able to find even the tiniest thing to relate to.
So today is Easter. I've always related more the Maundy Thursday. Back with my R Street Family I learned and invited people from our community (AKA a couple from our church since I was new to this concept) to join us for a meal just as Jesus had done. Now, that's something I like. Community and feeding people. Are y'all surprised!? As I mentioned, the crucifixion itself just disturbs me to my core. But, I've read many a story like that. I don't want to hold onto that negative thought. Ironically...this is where I found a relation. It's funny how that happens. It comes where you least expect it. Christians believe that Jesus sacrificed his life so that they would not have to offer animal sacrifices any more for their sins. The ultimate pure blood was shed so that we could all have the opportunity at an eternal life so long as you believed that Jesus had done this and was the Son of God. We used to do this liturgical study...I forget what it was called. But we took one passage and read it several times and tried to identify what stuck out for us and what we thought it meant. (I actually really liked this.) What stuck out to me was sacrifice.
It is a really honorable thing that one man would sacrifice himself for others. But, as a Non-Christian I am reminded that Jesus is not the only story to celebrate this sacrifice. There are so many stories and ones that can be celebrated whether you are or are not any kind of religious. There are people who fight every day to keep our country free! There are men and women who walk out their door, give their significant other a kiss. One is going out to protect the streets from crime, or is going to a building trying to keep all of the criminals where they belong. Their partner is just praying they come home safe that night. There are men and women that run into burning buildings for the sake of rescuing and saving other peoples' lives at the chance they could lose their own.
So...all in all.....What this really long (probably controversial) blog post is about is getting past my bitterness. Instead of rolling my eyes like a child when someone posts 1,000 pictures about Jesus' resurrection, I'll just smile and relate. All in all, I just want to encourage people no matter who you are and what you believe that we all are on this one tiny, little planet! We have to live this life together. Instead of living it with bitterness and possibly hate or disdain, let's celebrate our differences and find ways to relate to each other. Let us love each other because we do, not because we think we're obligated in some ancient text! When I sign off my posts or vlogs that I am sending you love and peace, I truly mean it deep inside my soul! Why? Because I do...It's what I'm called to do. This is my True Religion! Kindness and Love and Compassion!
So if you've made it this far, thank you! I hope this can give some insight into my beliefs. At the end of the day my goal is to grow as a person, be the best mom, wife, family member that I can be and to encourage everyone around me (or in my audience) to live a positive life in whatever manner you think will lead to the highest amount of good! There are bad people in every group, but I would like to think more on that there are great people out there whether they are Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion.
So to all my Christian family and friends, Happy Easter! To everyone else, Happy Easter! Some people still do Easter egg hunts and have fun so happy Easter to y'all too! If not, if you just don't celebrate Easter at all...Hey! That's so okay! Just happy Sunday! I hope you all have a great week no matter what you're doing. And as always, I am sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
All the best,
-Ami M. Lee
Today is Easter! I realized today was the first Easter I will spend as a Buddhist. It is really weird because most of my family is Christian and my in-laws are pretty hard core Christian. You're wondering how a person surrounded by so much Christianism grows up to be a Buddhist? My husband put it this way, that I was more Buddhist than anything most of my life, I just didn't know it.
When I first had this realization I was happy and devastated at the same time. When I officially "let go" of Christianity I felt free and as if I was able to breath! I didn't have to hold myself to ridiculous standards that no one understood or couldn't have one understanding of. I felt I didn't have to look to God to heal my suffering or my problems. I was in control of my destiny. While I cannot ignore the invisible hand of fate that guides us through life, it's unexplainable. The Buddha, when asked about these grand questions of where we come from, is there a God or higher being he'd simply remain silent. It wasn't of importance to answer such great questions because it is beyond ourselves. I like that. No one really has solid proof that any God(s) exist. And that's okay! Bill Nye the Science Guy really impressed me in the debate with Ken Hamm. He often said if you can bring us proof, the scientific community would welcome it and accept it! I wanted to do that. I wanted to model my ideas around this idea. To respect every religion and if someone else can change my mind, great! If not...I'm just gonna go on being good ole' Ami!
I think there is this common misconception that if you aren't Christian that you're an atheist. If you're not "with them" you're "against them." If you're not Christian you're an alcoholic, a drug addict, or you are miserable and suffering in your life. (It couldn't be FURTHER from the truth!) I just cannot accept that type of mentality. However, this is so unfortunate because it drives so many good people to bitterness against a whole group of people. That's not good either! So why am I rambling about this? Here's my point.
Thinking back on last year the song "Between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace" by Big and Rich came to mind. I struggled. Oh how I struggled. I was so scared of the reactions of my family. I was scared especially of my in-laws, probably still am, but I'm a little more at peace about my decision now.
So to the point maybe? Hee hee hee.....
Today is the day we celebrate a man that rose from the dead after being brutally beaten and crucified. Hung out on a cross to die. The image in my mind makes me sick. I was not a child inspired by movies like The Passion. I cried and was so thoroughly disturbed that humans were capable of such violence. But, I find myself trying to find something. Something to take away from this story. Something so that when my in-law's and family are praying over Easter lunch...What can I think of? Where can I be thankful for this story? Where can I relate? Because I've learned the beginnings of compassion and love for ALL people starts with understanding and being able to find even the tiniest thing to relate to.
So today is Easter. I've always related more the Maundy Thursday. Back with my R Street Family I learned and invited people from our community (AKA a couple from our church since I was new to this concept) to join us for a meal just as Jesus had done. Now, that's something I like. Community and feeding people. Are y'all surprised!? As I mentioned, the crucifixion itself just disturbs me to my core. But, I've read many a story like that. I don't want to hold onto that negative thought. Ironically...this is where I found a relation. It's funny how that happens. It comes where you least expect it. Christians believe that Jesus sacrificed his life so that they would not have to offer animal sacrifices any more for their sins. The ultimate pure blood was shed so that we could all have the opportunity at an eternal life so long as you believed that Jesus had done this and was the Son of God. We used to do this liturgical study...I forget what it was called. But we took one passage and read it several times and tried to identify what stuck out for us and what we thought it meant. (I actually really liked this.) What stuck out to me was sacrifice.
It is a really honorable thing that one man would sacrifice himself for others. But, as a Non-Christian I am reminded that Jesus is not the only story to celebrate this sacrifice. There are so many stories and ones that can be celebrated whether you are or are not any kind of religious. There are people who fight every day to keep our country free! There are men and women who walk out their door, give their significant other a kiss. One is going out to protect the streets from crime, or is going to a building trying to keep all of the criminals where they belong. Their partner is just praying they come home safe that night. There are men and women that run into burning buildings for the sake of rescuing and saving other peoples' lives at the chance they could lose their own.
So...all in all.....What this really long (probably controversial) blog post is about is getting past my bitterness. Instead of rolling my eyes like a child when someone posts 1,000 pictures about Jesus' resurrection, I'll just smile and relate. All in all, I just want to encourage people no matter who you are and what you believe that we all are on this one tiny, little planet! We have to live this life together. Instead of living it with bitterness and possibly hate or disdain, let's celebrate our differences and find ways to relate to each other. Let us love each other because we do, not because we think we're obligated in some ancient text! When I sign off my posts or vlogs that I am sending you love and peace, I truly mean it deep inside my soul! Why? Because I do...It's what I'm called to do. This is my True Religion! Kindness and Love and Compassion!
So if you've made it this far, thank you! I hope this can give some insight into my beliefs. At the end of the day my goal is to grow as a person, be the best mom, wife, family member that I can be and to encourage everyone around me (or in my audience) to live a positive life in whatever manner you think will lead to the highest amount of good! There are bad people in every group, but I would like to think more on that there are great people out there whether they are Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion.
So to all my Christian family and friends, Happy Easter! To everyone else, Happy Easter! Some people still do Easter egg hunts and have fun so happy Easter to y'all too! If not, if you just don't celebrate Easter at all...Hey! That's so okay! Just happy Sunday! I hope you all have a great week no matter what you're doing. And as always, I am sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
All the best,
-Ami M. Lee
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Hold the Phone Y'all...Blackened Sweet Potatoes
Okay...So this is a secret I've been holding onto for a while y'all.
You may have seen a few of my other shared recipes, but this is truly a genuine Ami M. Lee Recipe creation of epic proportions. But, let's back up just for a minute. I promise not to ramble too long.
As a child, I HATED sweet potatoes...Mainly because the only way I was exposed was through nasty marshmallow covered crap in a baking dish. But alas, a few years ago, I tried to find a way to like sweet potatoes. They are pretty cheap and good for you. This is the recipe that I am still several years later, obsessed with! I, straight up, could eat a whole cookie sheet by myself.
Now, pay good attention to my next few words. FOLLOW THIS RECIPE TO THE EXACT LETTER! I have tried it many ways, with similar but not the same ingredients and it is not the same at all!
Blackened (Roasted) Sweet Potatoes
What You'll Need:
Sweet Potatoes (I usually do one really large or two small for my family of 5.)
Gourmet Garden Italian Herbs Organic Paste (Krogers near the fresh herbs in a tube. Yes expensive, but don't complain if you don't follow this tip and it doesn't turn out that great.)
Fresh Garlic (NO GARLIC POWDER!!!)
Olive Oil (This is the only place you can save, but it HAS to be OLIVE OIL!)
Peel your sweet potatoes and chop them into bite size pieces.
Put it on a cookie sheet covered in aluminum foil. (Helps with clean up.)
Squeeze out some Italian Herbs Paste over the top. Four to five little blobs. Don't go over board.
Take a microplane (or handheld mini cheese grater) rub the unpeeled garlic to mince the garlic easily all over the sweet potatoes.
Drizzle olive oil well. Don't go crazy, but make sure there is enough for all pieces to be coated and to kind of coat on the aluminum foil to prevent sticking. Also prevents having to use those chemical sprays. Please don't use those things instead of olive oil!
If you don't want to use your hands to mix them up, tongs work pretty good. Just be careful and don't tear the aluminum foil up if it's metal tongs.
Here's the hard part...Waiting! LOL
Set your broiler to high. Yes, this is a little intimidating at first. I have a gas oven. I can't stress this enough. WATCH THIS DISH! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS ALL IN ONE TIME PERIOD! FOLLOW THESE NEXT STEPS EXACT!
As I mentioned, I have a gas oven so my broiler is on the bottom of the stove. If you're lucky and have an electric oven this may be a little easier, but keep in mind, times could differ. KEEP AN EYE ON IT! (I can't stress this enough guys!)
Set the cookie sheet under the broiler for five minutes. Remove and stir the potatoes around. This is really to prevent sticking and to ensure that it "blackens" on all or most sides.
Do this until they are the desired darkness you like. I did mine a little lighter tonight and I did this four times (20 minutes total). I like mine pretty dark and crispy. I guess I may just be weird like that. As I said, keep an eye on it. You may not need 20 minutes.
I call them blackened mainly because I get mine way too dark to be roasted. I am reminded of the old Nickelodeon show "Salute Your Shorts" and one of the characters would say, "Roasted...Toasted...And burnt to a crisp." That is the way I like it, but as I mention, feel free to do it how YOU like it. Your house, your kitchen, your rules.
So go rock out some awesome blackened sweet potatoes. Even my kids eat them. Enough blogging....I'm going back for seconds!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Peace, Love, and Sweet Potatoes
-Ami M. Lee
You may have seen a few of my other shared recipes, but this is truly a genuine Ami M. Lee Recipe creation of epic proportions. But, let's back up just for a minute. I promise not to ramble too long.
As a child, I HATED sweet potatoes...Mainly because the only way I was exposed was through nasty marshmallow covered crap in a baking dish. But alas, a few years ago, I tried to find a way to like sweet potatoes. They are pretty cheap and good for you. This is the recipe that I am still several years later, obsessed with! I, straight up, could eat a whole cookie sheet by myself.
Now, pay good attention to my next few words. FOLLOW THIS RECIPE TO THE EXACT LETTER! I have tried it many ways, with similar but not the same ingredients and it is not the same at all!
Blackened (Roasted) Sweet Potatoes
What You'll Need:
Sweet Potatoes (I usually do one really large or two small for my family of 5.)
Gourmet Garden Italian Herbs Organic Paste (Krogers near the fresh herbs in a tube. Yes expensive, but don't complain if you don't follow this tip and it doesn't turn out that great.)
Fresh Garlic (NO GARLIC POWDER!!!)
Olive Oil (This is the only place you can save, but it HAS to be OLIVE OIL!)
Peel your sweet potatoes and chop them into bite size pieces.
Put it on a cookie sheet covered in aluminum foil. (Helps with clean up.)
Squeeze out some Italian Herbs Paste over the top. Four to five little blobs. Don't go over board.
Take a microplane (or handheld mini cheese grater) rub the unpeeled garlic to mince the garlic easily all over the sweet potatoes.
Drizzle olive oil well. Don't go crazy, but make sure there is enough for all pieces to be coated and to kind of coat on the aluminum foil to prevent sticking. Also prevents having to use those chemical sprays. Please don't use those things instead of olive oil!
If you don't want to use your hands to mix them up, tongs work pretty good. Just be careful and don't tear the aluminum foil up if it's metal tongs.
Here's the hard part...Waiting! LOL
Set your broiler to high. Yes, this is a little intimidating at first. I have a gas oven. I can't stress this enough. WATCH THIS DISH! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS ALL IN ONE TIME PERIOD! FOLLOW THESE NEXT STEPS EXACT!
As I mentioned, I have a gas oven so my broiler is on the bottom of the stove. If you're lucky and have an electric oven this may be a little easier, but keep in mind, times could differ. KEEP AN EYE ON IT! (I can't stress this enough guys!)
Set the cookie sheet under the broiler for five minutes. Remove and stir the potatoes around. This is really to prevent sticking and to ensure that it "blackens" on all or most sides.
Do this until they are the desired darkness you like. I did mine a little lighter tonight and I did this four times (20 minutes total). I like mine pretty dark and crispy. I guess I may just be weird like that. As I said, keep an eye on it. You may not need 20 minutes.
I call them blackened mainly because I get mine way too dark to be roasted. I am reminded of the old Nickelodeon show "Salute Your Shorts" and one of the characters would say, "Roasted...Toasted...And burnt to a crisp." That is the way I like it, but as I mention, feel free to do it how YOU like it. Your house, your kitchen, your rules.
So go rock out some awesome blackened sweet potatoes. Even my kids eat them. Enough blogging....I'm going back for seconds!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Peace, Love, and Sweet Potatoes
-Ami M. Lee
Monday, April 14, 2014
Paleo...How's the transition going?
I realized it had been a while since I've written here. I've been a bit busy, quite stressed, and quite behind on school stuff. As always.
Lot's of things are happening and I don't really want to get into everything on my blog because a lot of it is personal.
But, Paleo transitioning is going well!
We have rid ourselves of bread. I had a failed attempt at paleo bread. It was awful...but there are more recipes to try. Dairy is in the works. We're almost out of cheese. It's's taken longer than I thought because most of our suppers are paleo without cheese! lol
Have I already messed up? Of course! Anyone surprised? LOL Here's the thing...I knew this already, but it just was more obvious. I ended up making supper the other night with noodles I've never used before and they were awful!...The meat and veggies were good...But me and Nick were still REALLY hungry...So we indulged poorly.
The next got late and we had nothing for lunch...So we got fast food...I wasn't prepared for those times. Our cupboards are pretty much bare except for meat and veggies. I'm still a little confused as to what to eat for lunch because my kiddos aren't too fond of salads every day. Especially Mark...and they're kiddos and need a lot more calories than we do. They are in no way in need of calorie restrictions. I am that weird mom that feeds her kids 100x healthier than herself, so they have no issues as of now.
My poor son Rylan who isn't used to eating these healthy things and having to eat what is fixed is having a hard time. Then again...I could have been more prepared and fixed something he could recognize, but was still paleo.
Again, I refer to puzzles. So many puzzle pieces. If they aren't in order there are a lot of risks for failure. But, I don't let that get me down and go buy some bagels and nutella. I keep on working and keep these issues in mind as learning experiences.
I read that another family took about six months to transition to completely paleo, so I'm not worried that we didn't drop everything in a week. Although...I did try to quit coffee. Coffee has it's health benefits, so it's not really that I thought it was bad. I'm tried of the constant struggle of going without caffeine and having migraines a few days after stopping. It's one of those control issues. I think I'll just stick with my coffee for now since we're transitioning through so many things.
I've never been so certain that this may be the key to our success. My husband has been such a good sport even though I have messed up. I know I'm a good cook, you just sometimes get a products that isn't so great or a recipe that just isn't well thought out.
So how is it going for you? I hope you are all finding this well and happy. I have been doing a lot of make-up tutorials on the youtube vlog...Why? They're sooooo fun! I see why so many people do it. SO if you want go check that out. I'll try and upload a new one I did today soon. Found my old camera, so I'm hoping they'll be better quality images as well.
Sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
Ami M. Lee
Lot's of things are happening and I don't really want to get into everything on my blog because a lot of it is personal.
But, Paleo transitioning is going well!
We have rid ourselves of bread. I had a failed attempt at paleo bread. It was awful...but there are more recipes to try. Dairy is in the works. We're almost out of cheese. It's's taken longer than I thought because most of our suppers are paleo without cheese! lol
Have I already messed up? Of course! Anyone surprised? LOL Here's the thing...I knew this already, but it just was more obvious. I ended up making supper the other night with noodles I've never used before and they were awful!...The meat and veggies were good...But me and Nick were still REALLY hungry...So we indulged poorly.
The next got late and we had nothing for lunch...So we got fast food...I wasn't prepared for those times. Our cupboards are pretty much bare except for meat and veggies. I'm still a little confused as to what to eat for lunch because my kiddos aren't too fond of salads every day. Especially Mark...and they're kiddos and need a lot more calories than we do. They are in no way in need of calorie restrictions. I am that weird mom that feeds her kids 100x healthier than herself, so they have no issues as of now.
My poor son Rylan who isn't used to eating these healthy things and having to eat what is fixed is having a hard time. Then again...I could have been more prepared and fixed something he could recognize, but was still paleo.
Again, I refer to puzzles. So many puzzle pieces. If they aren't in order there are a lot of risks for failure. But, I don't let that get me down and go buy some bagels and nutella. I keep on working and keep these issues in mind as learning experiences.
I read that another family took about six months to transition to completely paleo, so I'm not worried that we didn't drop everything in a week. Although...I did try to quit coffee. Coffee has it's health benefits, so it's not really that I thought it was bad. I'm tried of the constant struggle of going without caffeine and having migraines a few days after stopping. It's one of those control issues. I think I'll just stick with my coffee for now since we're transitioning through so many things.
I've never been so certain that this may be the key to our success. My husband has been such a good sport even though I have messed up. I know I'm a good cook, you just sometimes get a products that isn't so great or a recipe that just isn't well thought out.
So how is it going for you? I hope you are all finding this well and happy. I have been doing a lot of make-up tutorials on the youtube vlog...Why? They're sooooo fun! I see why so many people do it. SO if you want go check that out. I'll try and upload a new one I did today soon. Found my old camera, so I'm hoping they'll be better quality images as well.
Sending you all lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
Ami M. Lee
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
90 Days without Soda!
Can you believe how fast 90 days has come and gone? Yesterday made officially 90 days!
It's funny, my goals before have been for 90 days and I went right back to soda before. I went right back to drinking whatever and not making water the most important drink in my diet. 90 days used to be so hard that I eventually gave it up. Maybe the key to my success this time is not giving up on only a few months.
The key was a bigger goal and having a way to keep myself accountable. It's not over yet. A year is quite a long time. A year of detoxing and trying to get off such a hardcore drug. Something so legal and so easy to obtain. It is now such a shame that I ever allowed such a thing to enter my body. To allow a substance to destroy the well-being of my body. Call me extreme, but that is a literal look at what these chemicals are doing to our body.
You might think it's acceptable. That's okay. I'm not here to condemn anyone and the choices they make for themselves. I can't make the choice for you. There's just a right time. My husband and I were discussing this last night and how he has been wanting to quit smoking. There is a right time. Most of the time it needs to be as little stress as you can get in your life. When we're stressed, we're more likely to fail. We all have our vices and we aren't all so strong willed as to will it into fruition.
I had a set back myself last night. I have been very scared of stopping caffeinated coffee. I have been trying to kick my caffeine habit for YEARS! The problem that arises is the most awful headaches, down right migraines when I go more than four to five days without caffeine. I know a cup of coffee a day has it's benefits, and I sure do love my coffee. But, the pain I endure is so tremendous I almost feel as if I don't have a choice. Last night I had my husband go buy me a cup of coffee because I couldn't handle the pain.
I'd love to say that the last 90 days have been the easiest of my life, and in truth...they may be the vanilla version of my life, but definitely not easy. I've faced harder truths, and fell even harder. But, I can feel better knowing that my goal is still ahead of me and I haven't failed. As many temptations as I have endured over the last 90 days, I haven't given in.
Have I lost weight from dropping sodas? Nope. But, as I've mentioned, there are several pieces to the weight-loss puzzle. Do I feel better? Most of the time. Do I still struggle? Sure...I have this great soy candle that doesn't have to be lit on fire. (Great for having kiddos around.) I love the lemony sent of it, but it smells like a Mellow Yellow.
So today, I hope I can encourage you...Not with astounding numbers of pounds dropped. Not with the health benefits or the "because this study says so." But, I hope to encourage you through my resolve to set such a large goal and to meet it! Yes, goals need to be realistic but sometimes pushing yourself is needed too. Look within yourself. Ask yourself, are you doing all that you can really do?
I'm looking forward to the next 90 days. We're about a quarter of the way day. 1/4 doesn't seem that bad aye?
I hope you are all doing well out there today. It's been rainy and cold. We're looking forward to some better weather soon.
As always, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know how your journey is going.
All the best to my friends,
Ami M. Lee
It's funny, my goals before have been for 90 days and I went right back to soda before. I went right back to drinking whatever and not making water the most important drink in my diet. 90 days used to be so hard that I eventually gave it up. Maybe the key to my success this time is not giving up on only a few months.
The key was a bigger goal and having a way to keep myself accountable. It's not over yet. A year is quite a long time. A year of detoxing and trying to get off such a hardcore drug. Something so legal and so easy to obtain. It is now such a shame that I ever allowed such a thing to enter my body. To allow a substance to destroy the well-being of my body. Call me extreme, but that is a literal look at what these chemicals are doing to our body.
You might think it's acceptable. That's okay. I'm not here to condemn anyone and the choices they make for themselves. I can't make the choice for you. There's just a right time. My husband and I were discussing this last night and how he has been wanting to quit smoking. There is a right time. Most of the time it needs to be as little stress as you can get in your life. When we're stressed, we're more likely to fail. We all have our vices and we aren't all so strong willed as to will it into fruition.
I had a set back myself last night. I have been very scared of stopping caffeinated coffee. I have been trying to kick my caffeine habit for YEARS! The problem that arises is the most awful headaches, down right migraines when I go more than four to five days without caffeine. I know a cup of coffee a day has it's benefits, and I sure do love my coffee. But, the pain I endure is so tremendous I almost feel as if I don't have a choice. Last night I had my husband go buy me a cup of coffee because I couldn't handle the pain.
I'd love to say that the last 90 days have been the easiest of my life, and in truth...they may be the vanilla version of my life, but definitely not easy. I've faced harder truths, and fell even harder. But, I can feel better knowing that my goal is still ahead of me and I haven't failed. As many temptations as I have endured over the last 90 days, I haven't given in.
Have I lost weight from dropping sodas? Nope. But, as I've mentioned, there are several pieces to the weight-loss puzzle. Do I feel better? Most of the time. Do I still struggle? Sure...I have this great soy candle that doesn't have to be lit on fire. (Great for having kiddos around.) I love the lemony sent of it, but it smells like a Mellow Yellow.
So today, I hope I can encourage you...Not with astounding numbers of pounds dropped. Not with the health benefits or the "because this study says so." But, I hope to encourage you through my resolve to set such a large goal and to meet it! Yes, goals need to be realistic but sometimes pushing yourself is needed too. Look within yourself. Ask yourself, are you doing all that you can really do?
I'm looking forward to the next 90 days. We're about a quarter of the way day. 1/4 doesn't seem that bad aye?
I hope you are all doing well out there today. It's been rainy and cold. We're looking forward to some better weather soon.
As always, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know how your journey is going.
All the best to my friends,
Ami M. Lee
Sunday, April 6, 2014
The Photography Blog
Hey guys,
I decided to try out a new platform after I deleted all three of the blogs to condense them to a better format. So here it is! Go click the like and follow button. Leave me some comments. Today is a good one. It's just telling you how beautiful you are...So go! Everyone wants to know they're beautiful.
Hope you are all having a great day! <3
Hey guys,
I decided to try out a new platform after I deleted all three of the blogs to condense them to a better format. So here it is! Go click the like and follow button. Leave me some comments. Today is a good one. It's just telling you how beautiful you are...So go! Everyone wants to know they're beautiful.
Hope you are all having a great day! <3
Saturday, April 5, 2014
New Vlog up on the YouTube Channel
Hey Guys!
I got back from my walk to the store with the kiddos. Here are some thoughts...Explaining a little bit on Paleo and why we're doing it and how we're going on the transition.
We're on the tail end of our "non-paleo" food. Check out the video. If you like, hit the like button if it was helpful or you enjoyed my funny faces...etc. There's a subscribe button so you can be updated on future videos. And as always, I appreciate your love and support for this journey of mine.
Hope you are all well out there. Comments are always welcome!
Have a wonderful day,
Ami M. Lee, Journey on the Final Countdown
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Working on the clean out...
Hey guys!
So I wanted to take a few minutes to kind of vent. The other day, in preparation for the upcoming gluten and dairy free home, I organized our cabinets into safe and bad foods. I couldn't believe the amount of things we had hidden in the cabinet that need to go.
We can't afford to give away or throw away most of these items. So, I'm trying to use them up and not buy anything else with gluten or dairy. It has been very difficult. I'm already having panic spells about it. Sometimes I feel myself just pacing back and forth between the living room and the kitchen. I know we're not "off" yet and I'm already having issues.
Did I expect these feelings? Yes... If you haven't read my previous blogs or seen vlogs on my issues, I have hard issues with panic and anxiety. I did the same thing when I started my journey with A Year Without Soda. (Which btw we're 5 days away from 3 months! or 90 days!!!!)
I think that dropping sodas and what I've been through with that has prepared me for the upcoming battle. I know this battle is going to be like carrying a boulder up a steep hill. The exercise won't be the issue (I don't think.) The issue is going through withdraw from all of these products. I used my last bit of coffee yesterday. From now on...decaf only.
I just keep repeating to myself that this is for our health. This is so we can take control of our life. I'm working so incredibly hard mentally to stay positive.
Although, it was very pleasing tonight when I made some vegan pumpkin scones and my kiddos kept coming back for more!!! I made some really little ones for them so it was okay to have a couple. It lets me know that my kids can eat vegetables and be happy. My kids can be happy on a healthy food diet (I don't mean diet as in lose weight...I mean diet as in what we eat.).
A lot of the problems I've had in the past with me trying to lose weight is not knowing how to deal with feeding my children different. My kids do not need to be calorie restricted. And yes! I'm a very picky Mom! My kids loved when we were juicing...but they can't just juice. It was expensive to buy different meals and I am not a short order cook.
So with this lifestyle change, I think the whole family will see the benefit. I am trying to stay excited and keep positive.
We still have a way to go. It'll be much better for my son who can't have dairy because he's lactose intolerant. It can help my husband and I stick around for our children's lives and feel great and be able to do great things with them. I'm struggling mentally, but I think in a few weeks of transitioning I'll be fine. Or at least I hope so. I'm ready to get started and get the hard part over with. LOL <3
I hope you are all doing well out there. Are you having any struggles you'd like to share? Leave them in the comment section below and I'll bust out my pom poms and cheer you on! <3
Sending lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
-Ami M. Lee, Journey on the Final Countdown
So I wanted to take a few minutes to kind of vent. The other day, in preparation for the upcoming gluten and dairy free home, I organized our cabinets into safe and bad foods. I couldn't believe the amount of things we had hidden in the cabinet that need to go.
We can't afford to give away or throw away most of these items. So, I'm trying to use them up and not buy anything else with gluten or dairy. It has been very difficult. I'm already having panic spells about it. Sometimes I feel myself just pacing back and forth between the living room and the kitchen. I know we're not "off" yet and I'm already having issues.
Did I expect these feelings? Yes... If you haven't read my previous blogs or seen vlogs on my issues, I have hard issues with panic and anxiety. I did the same thing when I started my journey with A Year Without Soda. (Which btw we're 5 days away from 3 months! or 90 days!!!!)
I think that dropping sodas and what I've been through with that has prepared me for the upcoming battle. I know this battle is going to be like carrying a boulder up a steep hill. The exercise won't be the issue (I don't think.) The issue is going through withdraw from all of these products. I used my last bit of coffee yesterday. From now on...decaf only.
I just keep repeating to myself that this is for our health. This is so we can take control of our life. I'm working so incredibly hard mentally to stay positive.
Although, it was very pleasing tonight when I made some vegan pumpkin scones and my kiddos kept coming back for more!!! I made some really little ones for them so it was okay to have a couple. It lets me know that my kids can eat vegetables and be happy. My kids can be happy on a healthy food diet (I don't mean diet as in lose weight...I mean diet as in what we eat.).
A lot of the problems I've had in the past with me trying to lose weight is not knowing how to deal with feeding my children different. My kids do not need to be calorie restricted. And yes! I'm a very picky Mom! My kids loved when we were juicing...but they can't just juice. It was expensive to buy different meals and I am not a short order cook.
So with this lifestyle change, I think the whole family will see the benefit. I am trying to stay excited and keep positive.
We still have a way to go. It'll be much better for my son who can't have dairy because he's lactose intolerant. It can help my husband and I stick around for our children's lives and feel great and be able to do great things with them. I'm struggling mentally, but I think in a few weeks of transitioning I'll be fine. Or at least I hope so. I'm ready to get started and get the hard part over with. LOL <3
I hope you are all doing well out there. Are you having any struggles you'd like to share? Leave them in the comment section below and I'll bust out my pom poms and cheer you on! <3
Sending lots of love and peace to you and your journey.
-Ami M. Lee, Journey on the Final Countdown
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Yoga and a new Lifestyle...Coming up!
So this story seems very interesting to me...mainly because, IT WASN'T MY IDEA! ha ha ha
A few weeks ago my husband shared a video on Facebook. It was of a disabled veteran who could barely walk, and couldn't without help. He had contacted a program created by Diamond Dallas Page (yes the famous wrestler from television). I won't repeat what happened...I'll just show you guys! (Oh the power of YouTube and inserting videos into my blog...*insert Hallelujah chorus*)
Watch his story here:
If you're interested, go check out the extended cut. I warn you though...I cried....TWICE! Absolute tears streaming down my face. My husband ended up getting curious. The video doesn't really go into the program. These are the video diaries Arthur took to send to Diamond Dallas Page as he made progress.
About a week ago my husband came to me considering ordering it. Of course, being the amazing wife that I try to be I reminded him that I would love and support him through anything and that I might even be interested. Most people may not know, but I've been doing yoga for about four years now. It's how I healed my sciatic nerve on my doctors, no pills.
It came in the mail yesterday. I went out of town to take care of some business and before I returned (it came in the mail), Nick had already read the book that came with it...I'm surprised I didn't walk in on him in downward facing dog...I know we were both excited.
I started reading the book and anxiously awaited the kids getting in bed so we could check out the DVD's. We started with the breathing exercise. onto the Diamond Dozen (13 is a baker's dozen, it's okay Dallas!) where you learn the basic moves that will be in the program. My husband and I spread out and went through it. I recognized every move and felt great. It was odd to me that the way he uses the dynamic resistance, it almost makes the poses easier. And when he says that it'll make your body feel like it is moving through clay...IT'S TRUE!
That was where I was a little skeptical guys...I love yoga just as much as anyone but I've never built strength or just lost weight from yoga. Is it a tough workout? Yeah...don't believe me? GO DO IT, then come back to me.
Today we are taking measurements and working on an eating plan. There will be tough week ahead eventually leading us to a gluten and dairy free household. I realized last night that of all the dieting I've done, I've never cut out gluten or dairy. So I'm so curious to jump right in. If Nick and I can do this, I believe anyone can. We are normal people from a small town in Arkansas. We don't make a crazy amount of money. We have three kids, he works 12 hour shifts and I stay home full time and go to school full time. If busy parents of three kids can do it, YOU can do it. It's just another part of the journey and this my friends could change the rest of our lives. It could change our children's lives.
Our children won't grow up with the excuse "that's how we were raised, and we're fine!" I can prove to so many people that just because everyone else in my family is overweight, doesn't mean I have to stay that way. As DDP says...I'm going to OWN my life! I'm really curious to see the tremendous affects I think this will have on the rest of our lives. I want to live the longest, healthiest life with my amazing husband and for my children to get to see this and grow into the amazing people I know they'll be.
So that's rather long guys...but I'm excited. I hope you can feel it coming off your screen. Of course, I'll share along the way because as I feel myself often saying, "Sharing is caring!" So I hope you'll click that follow button and follow me and my hubster on this journey. I will probably come back and post my before-s later today. Nick and I have struck a bargain. I can share his before and one month after picture IF he loses 20 lbs. If not, they stay off the blog. ha ha ha...Cheer him on please! Heck...cheer me on! Cheer yourself on! Cheer everyone on!
Sending you guys so much love and peace for your journey!
-Ami M. Lee
P.S. There's this great little box below where you can leave comments and let me know about how you're doing on your journey. Just click and type away! <3 I look forward to hearing from you. :)
A few weeks ago my husband shared a video on Facebook. It was of a disabled veteran who could barely walk, and couldn't without help. He had contacted a program created by Diamond Dallas Page (yes the famous wrestler from television). I won't repeat what happened...I'll just show you guys! (Oh the power of YouTube and inserting videos into my blog...*insert Hallelujah chorus*)
Watch his story here:
If you're interested, go check out the extended cut. I warn you though...I cried....TWICE! Absolute tears streaming down my face. My husband ended up getting curious. The video doesn't really go into the program. These are the video diaries Arthur took to send to Diamond Dallas Page as he made progress.
About a week ago my husband came to me considering ordering it. Of course, being the amazing wife that I try to be I reminded him that I would love and support him through anything and that I might even be interested. Most people may not know, but I've been doing yoga for about four years now. It's how I healed my sciatic nerve on my doctors, no pills.
It came in the mail yesterday. I went out of town to take care of some business and before I returned (it came in the mail), Nick had already read the book that came with it...I'm surprised I didn't walk in on him in downward facing dog...I know we were both excited.
I started reading the book and anxiously awaited the kids getting in bed so we could check out the DVD's. We started with the breathing exercise. onto the Diamond Dozen (13 is a baker's dozen, it's okay Dallas!) where you learn the basic moves that will be in the program. My husband and I spread out and went through it. I recognized every move and felt great. It was odd to me that the way he uses the dynamic resistance, it almost makes the poses easier. And when he says that it'll make your body feel like it is moving through clay...IT'S TRUE!
That was where I was a little skeptical guys...I love yoga just as much as anyone but I've never built strength or just lost weight from yoga. Is it a tough workout? Yeah...don't believe me? GO DO IT, then come back to me.
Today we are taking measurements and working on an eating plan. There will be tough week ahead eventually leading us to a gluten and dairy free household. I realized last night that of all the dieting I've done, I've never cut out gluten or dairy. So I'm so curious to jump right in. If Nick and I can do this, I believe anyone can. We are normal people from a small town in Arkansas. We don't make a crazy amount of money. We have three kids, he works 12 hour shifts and I stay home full time and go to school full time. If busy parents of three kids can do it, YOU can do it. It's just another part of the journey and this my friends could change the rest of our lives. It could change our children's lives.
Our children won't grow up with the excuse "that's how we were raised, and we're fine!" I can prove to so many people that just because everyone else in my family is overweight, doesn't mean I have to stay that way. As DDP says...I'm going to OWN my life! I'm really curious to see the tremendous affects I think this will have on the rest of our lives. I want to live the longest, healthiest life with my amazing husband and for my children to get to see this and grow into the amazing people I know they'll be.
So that's rather long guys...but I'm excited. I hope you can feel it coming off your screen. Of course, I'll share along the way because as I feel myself often saying, "Sharing is caring!" So I hope you'll click that follow button and follow me and my hubster on this journey. I will probably come back and post my before-s later today. Nick and I have struck a bargain. I can share his before and one month after picture IF he loses 20 lbs. If not, they stay off the blog. ha ha ha...Cheer him on please! Heck...cheer me on! Cheer yourself on! Cheer everyone on!
Sending you guys so much love and peace for your journey!
-Ami M. Lee
P.S. There's this great little box below where you can leave comments and let me know about how you're doing on your journey. Just click and type away! <3 I look forward to hearing from you. :)
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The Point of No Return...
Okay...So my title may be a little dramatic! I've been watching the Phantom of the Opera.
What is that point of no return with weight loss? To me it's that point where you make up your mind that this is the way you want to live the rest of your life. It's where you make the decision that not matter what the situation, you will do what's best for you and your body (or your families body).
I had a wonderful conversation with my husband last night and I'm thinking he's wanting to jump on this journey with me. I know that having him on the same page will make it easier on me! Selfish? Yes, yes, yes...I admit. However, if he's not bringing energy drinks or soda in the house...less temptation. I think he's hit that point of no return.
I really feel that when you are truly ready to lose weight, or just make a change, or quit smoking...etc. Whatever your goal may be...if you try and fail, maybe you just weren't ready yet. You didn't have every last detail in order for success. That's okay! Failure and mistakes is where we learn some of our greatest lessons. Part of our conversation ended up at me saying..."How do I have all of this weight-loss knowledge that I'm just handing out while I'm still sitting here fat and drinking wine!?"
I told my husband that I feel I have the many puzzle pieces that go into weight loss...I just don't know how to put them all together in the correct order. I related it to my skin care routine that I had help on. The esthetician was kind enough to write it down for me.
One thing I'm growing to despise is trial and error! So many errors...not enough results. I know so many people who drop sodas and lose ten pounds automatically! I was working out good before vacation...two months without sodas. Nothing.
This momma can't spend money or time in a gym for six hours a day. I am always stressed about something or someone. But...I think my day is coming.
Why? Maybe it's just a feeling. I think my husband and I have been working towards this goal for a long time. From the first time I fed him vegetable laden spaghetti. I'm excited to think that we can all get healthier together as a family. It'll take a lot of work and planning. It'll take dedication. But, I feel like with my husband I can do anything.
So who is that person that you go to? Who can you get to inspire, keep you accountable, and workout with you? Support is probably the biggest part of losing weight, quitting an addiction, or any other goal you may have.
Have we moved past the point of no return? I'm not sure yet...but I think I'll know when it has. I think I moved past the point of no return in many areas such as feeding my kids healthy, no tolerance on sodas, and limiting treats. But, moving past that point of no return for myself has been much harder.
So here's my challenge for you. I want you to stop and think for a few minutes sometime today. Who can support you through your goals? Who can make changes with you? Are there other sources out there to help you? The last time you tried to achieve this goal, what went wrong and how can you try to identify things that you can improve to make the goal more attainable or reachable?
Think on these things. If you'd like to share what your goal is (it doesn't have to be weight loss, it could be anything!) please leave me a comment. I look forward to hearing from you!
And remember, if anything this gal in Arkansas is cheering you on! I may be good at giving advice, terrible at following it...but I'm a pretty good cheerleader! It's all a journey! (Hint: That's why I named this page Journey on the Final Countdown.)
Sending lots of sunshine, love, and peace to you and your journey!
-Ami M. Lee
(So I've seen a lot of people do give away-s when they get to so many followers...I think if I can get 100 here and on YouTube....maybe we'll do some kind of give away?)
What is that point of no return with weight loss? To me it's that point where you make up your mind that this is the way you want to live the rest of your life. It's where you make the decision that not matter what the situation, you will do what's best for you and your body (or your families body).
I had a wonderful conversation with my husband last night and I'm thinking he's wanting to jump on this journey with me. I know that having him on the same page will make it easier on me! Selfish? Yes, yes, yes...I admit. However, if he's not bringing energy drinks or soda in the house...less temptation. I think he's hit that point of no return.
I really feel that when you are truly ready to lose weight, or just make a change, or quit smoking...etc. Whatever your goal may be...if you try and fail, maybe you just weren't ready yet. You didn't have every last detail in order for success. That's okay! Failure and mistakes is where we learn some of our greatest lessons. Part of our conversation ended up at me saying..."How do I have all of this weight-loss knowledge that I'm just handing out while I'm still sitting here fat and drinking wine!?"
I told my husband that I feel I have the many puzzle pieces that go into weight loss...I just don't know how to put them all together in the correct order. I related it to my skin care routine that I had help on. The esthetician was kind enough to write it down for me.
One thing I'm growing to despise is trial and error! So many errors...not enough results. I know so many people who drop sodas and lose ten pounds automatically! I was working out good before vacation...two months without sodas. Nothing.
This momma can't spend money or time in a gym for six hours a day. I am always stressed about something or someone. But...I think my day is coming.
Why? Maybe it's just a feeling. I think my husband and I have been working towards this goal for a long time. From the first time I fed him vegetable laden spaghetti. I'm excited to think that we can all get healthier together as a family. It'll take a lot of work and planning. It'll take dedication. But, I feel like with my husband I can do anything.
So who is that person that you go to? Who can you get to inspire, keep you accountable, and workout with you? Support is probably the biggest part of losing weight, quitting an addiction, or any other goal you may have.
Have we moved past the point of no return? I'm not sure yet...but I think I'll know when it has. I think I moved past the point of no return in many areas such as feeding my kids healthy, no tolerance on sodas, and limiting treats. But, moving past that point of no return for myself has been much harder.
So here's my challenge for you. I want you to stop and think for a few minutes sometime today. Who can support you through your goals? Who can make changes with you? Are there other sources out there to help you? The last time you tried to achieve this goal, what went wrong and how can you try to identify things that you can improve to make the goal more attainable or reachable?
Think on these things. If you'd like to share what your goal is (it doesn't have to be weight loss, it could be anything!) please leave me a comment. I look forward to hearing from you!
And remember, if anything this gal in Arkansas is cheering you on! I may be good at giving advice, terrible at following it...but I'm a pretty good cheerleader! It's all a journey! (Hint: That's why I named this page Journey on the Final Countdown.)
Sending lots of sunshine, love, and peace to you and your journey!
-Ami M. Lee
(So I've seen a lot of people do give away-s when they get to so many followers...I think if I can get 100 here and on YouTube....maybe we'll do some kind of give away?)
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Bullies...How to Get Through It
So I made a video on my thoughts on bullies. I woke up this morning feeling as if something was telling me I needed to talk about this. So pulled my messy hair up...forgot the makeup and decided to talk about what has happened.
I have been the victim of internet bullying. One way I've tried to keep those negative nancy's at bay is to keep away from commenting on news stories on various websites. Sometimes I just can't resist and last night I was attempting to be funny. I guess I didn't understand the demographic because that comment was followed by several hateful comments who obviously didn't think my comment was funny.
I tried to politely explain that it was a joke. I understood they were just trying to get a rise out of me. Really...should I explain myself in a biography on Facebook? No...It's just not reasonable. I even tried to explain that I think life is too short to be so negative, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Some people just don't care if you're positive or not. I woke up this morning and they were still ranting about it.
I wasn't so much upset about what they said. I was more upset that there were so many people trying to play "Internet Bully." So many ADULTS! Who, in my opinion, should know better. Even more so...This page was a Christian Facebook Page. Don't worry...I know there are some really great people out there and their religion doesn't really matter...I think it's just natural to think that someone who should be taught the love and compassion of Jesus would spread love and compassion...not negativity. But I digress...I'm not wanting a religious debate in the comment section.
I've seen videos recently of children being bullies...We know some children (I believe the video stated 4,400 children a year) commit suicide because of these bullies. 4,400 children who were beautiful and unique to this world are gone. To anyone who finds this and reads this, just know I'm cheering you on! DON'T GIVE UP! You are beautiful and unique! It's taken me a long, 26 years of life, to decide that I'm that way so that I truly believe it when I say it. Don't give these bullies power by being negative!
Seek to plaster positivity around you! It can be hard...especially if some of that negativity is from your family. One of my favorite people is Kandee Johnson! Go here...Watch these two videos!!! Then come back all happy...full of sunshine...and warm internet hugs! 5 Ways to Have an Awesome Day How To Deal With Bullying & Negative Thoughts
Make sure you come back for even more love!
You can watch my video on the same subject and what happened to me. Hear us! Hear all of the good people out there who really love you!
Remember what Kandee said...Or at least this is what sticks with me. Loving and Kind people say Loving and Kind words!
So here's my loving and kind words! I'm sending you love! It gets hard! I know....I have three kiddos...I have school work...I hope to one day finish this degree so I can do work-work...(ha ha ha) It gets better though! And if you need to...bookmark this page and read it when you feel down...Bookmark Kandee or any other positive YouTuber you can find. When you feel down just go back and fill up your positivity tank!
I love you guys so so so so much and appreciate ever view that I get! I hope you are all having and wonderful and beautiful day! <3
I have been the victim of internet bullying. One way I've tried to keep those negative nancy's at bay is to keep away from commenting on news stories on various websites. Sometimes I just can't resist and last night I was attempting to be funny. I guess I didn't understand the demographic because that comment was followed by several hateful comments who obviously didn't think my comment was funny.
I tried to politely explain that it was a joke. I understood they were just trying to get a rise out of me. Really...should I explain myself in a biography on Facebook? No...It's just not reasonable. I even tried to explain that I think life is too short to be so negative, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Some people just don't care if you're positive or not. I woke up this morning and they were still ranting about it.
I wasn't so much upset about what they said. I was more upset that there were so many people trying to play "Internet Bully." So many ADULTS! Who, in my opinion, should know better. Even more so...This page was a Christian Facebook Page. Don't worry...I know there are some really great people out there and their religion doesn't really matter...I think it's just natural to think that someone who should be taught the love and compassion of Jesus would spread love and compassion...not negativity. But I digress...I'm not wanting a religious debate in the comment section.
I've seen videos recently of children being bullies...We know some children (I believe the video stated 4,400 children a year) commit suicide because of these bullies. 4,400 children who were beautiful and unique to this world are gone. To anyone who finds this and reads this, just know I'm cheering you on! DON'T GIVE UP! You are beautiful and unique! It's taken me a long, 26 years of life, to decide that I'm that way so that I truly believe it when I say it. Don't give these bullies power by being negative!
Seek to plaster positivity around you! It can be hard...especially if some of that negativity is from your family. One of my favorite people is Kandee Johnson! Go here...Watch these two videos!!! Then come back all happy...full of sunshine...and warm internet hugs! 5 Ways to Have an Awesome Day How To Deal With Bullying & Negative Thoughts
Make sure you come back for even more love!
You can watch my video on the same subject and what happened to me. Hear us! Hear all of the good people out there who really love you!
Remember what Kandee said...Or at least this is what sticks with me. Loving and Kind people say Loving and Kind words!
So here's my loving and kind words! I'm sending you love! It gets hard! I know....I have three kiddos...I have school work...I hope to one day finish this degree so I can do work-work...(ha ha ha) It gets better though! And if you need to...bookmark this page and read it when you feel down...Bookmark Kandee or any other positive YouTuber you can find. When you feel down just go back and fill up your positivity tank!
I love you guys so so so so much and appreciate ever view that I get! I hope you are all having and wonderful and beautiful day! <3
Friday, March 21, 2014
Quick and Easy breakfast...But watch your labels!
Good morning folks!
I am writing to you this morning with my fast breakfast ideas that is great for kids and mom's on the go...And even Dad too! comes with a warning...
Let's jump in our TARDIS (#whovianascharged) and go back to Kroger a year ago. My kids LOVE waffles. It was often one of those fast and easy breakfast items that I would pick up in my freezer section. I am surprised that this was the first time I actually looked at the ingredients! What did I find!? Artificial flavors...GAH! From store brand to Eggo....All artificial flavors and other nasties. I nearly had a small panic attack in the middle of the store. WHAT THE WORLD YO!?
So I go on a mad hunt over in the freezer section of the organic/all natural foods isle. There it was. Frozen waffles...Flip the box over....NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS! The first ones we tried were Kashi Blueberry Waffles. They were...OK....And my kids ate them but the taste was somewhat like cardboard...Next (with coupon in hand and a great sale) we tried Van's Gluten Free Blueberry waffles. We've been hooked ever since...but the price is about $3.50 here in Arkansas for only six waffles. We use about four a meal unless the kids are really hungry. So to save a buck we switched to the Simple Truth Brand Gluten Free Blueberry Waffles ($2.49 not on sale). I love this company and the fact that they have a commitment to keeping 101 artificial ingredients and preservatives out of their food lines.
No. We do not eat gluten free on purpose. I have heard they're starting to say bad things about gluten and I've noticed more and more people in the grocery store asking me (when they see me pick up gluten free items) if I know any more cooking tips, recipes...etc. I guess I just look friendly or something? But, I'm always happy to reply that we're not gluten free or intolerant...It's just the waffles we happen to like that is a little healthier, and cheaper on my "time budget."
So you may be wondering...Ami...What's wrong with it? We've been eating it for years? I did too...but I learned that those frozen blueberry waffles from conventional companies aren't actually real blueberries! SCARY! One source I read quoted an interview that said:
""It has blueberry bits," Jacobson said, adding, that it's "mostly sugar and soybean oil, then little bits of real blueberry that's been artificially colored." So these lab-made berries are actually shaped into balls and dyed to look like the real deal. "It's fake.""
I don't know about you, but I wonder why companies need to mess with the awesome blueberry! I know I'm already counting the days till the farmer's market starts up so that me and the kiddos can go snag some! Blueberries are naturally sweet and extra yummy...Why? Other than the cheapest bottom line? It shouldn't be acceptable. Yes guys, I'm a business student...I know there is a lot more to this puzzle, but I'm still disappointed that people can go to bed at night knowing they're not giving consumers the best product...They're giving them the cheapest. Price shouldn't be the bottom line...Quality should. If all companies cared about what was being put into their bodies and their customer's bodies it would level out the playing field. Heavier regulations should be on manufacturers putting these chemicals in our foods, not so much the organic producers who are trying to keep these chemicals out!
So that's my little rant for today? LOL
Yes, buying organic is very expensive. But, you can find ways like these waffles to add into your repertoire so that if you have a busy life and need to reach for something quick, you can be confident it's not going to hurt your child's body...or spike their blood sugar so they're falling asleep in second hour of school.
What do I do with these waffles? I often give my kiddos a waffle and some type of fruit (Madison loves grapes and Mark loves bananas), followed by milk (almond or soy for Mark since he's lactose intolerant). My kids have a terrible habit of drinking all of their drink and not they must wait till after they eat to have a drink. And that's it! I'm sure even the busiest of moms can agree that it is quick and easy while being healthy at the same time.
Word of the day? Diligence
It's tough finding affordable ingredients or foods that are pre-made. We're starting to combat our issues with starting our own little garden so we can grown our own fresh vegetables. I'm trying to be prepared for those nights when I'm sick or tired (or both) and don't feel like cooking. I try to have good ingredients to make things from scratch. Oh how I love making things from scratch. It's tough sometimes without all the new gadgetry and small appliances...but it's a labor of love. Be diligent in your work to feed your family healthy food. Many years from now, I'm sure you'll get a thank you from those awesome kiddos of yours.
So have a great day everyone! Happy Friday! Sending y'all a whole bunch of love and peace for you and your journey!
Jio, Sarah. (November 15, 2012). Health Controversy: Those berries in your Cereal, Frozen Waffles? Yeah They May Be Fake. Retrieved from website:
I am writing to you this morning with my fast breakfast ideas that is great for kids and mom's on the go...And even Dad too! comes with a warning...
Let's jump in our TARDIS (#whovianascharged) and go back to Kroger a year ago. My kids LOVE waffles. It was often one of those fast and easy breakfast items that I would pick up in my freezer section. I am surprised that this was the first time I actually looked at the ingredients! What did I find!? Artificial flavors...GAH! From store brand to Eggo....All artificial flavors and other nasties. I nearly had a small panic attack in the middle of the store. WHAT THE WORLD YO!?
So I go on a mad hunt over in the freezer section of the organic/all natural foods isle. There it was. Frozen waffles...Flip the box over....NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS! The first ones we tried were Kashi Blueberry Waffles. They were...OK....And my kids ate them but the taste was somewhat like cardboard...Next (with coupon in hand and a great sale) we tried Van's Gluten Free Blueberry waffles. We've been hooked ever since...but the price is about $3.50 here in Arkansas for only six waffles. We use about four a meal unless the kids are really hungry. So to save a buck we switched to the Simple Truth Brand Gluten Free Blueberry Waffles ($2.49 not on sale). I love this company and the fact that they have a commitment to keeping 101 artificial ingredients and preservatives out of their food lines.
No. We do not eat gluten free on purpose. I have heard they're starting to say bad things about gluten and I've noticed more and more people in the grocery store asking me (when they see me pick up gluten free items) if I know any more cooking tips, recipes...etc. I guess I just look friendly or something? But, I'm always happy to reply that we're not gluten free or intolerant...It's just the waffles we happen to like that is a little healthier, and cheaper on my "time budget."
So you may be wondering...Ami...What's wrong with it? We've been eating it for years? I did too...but I learned that those frozen blueberry waffles from conventional companies aren't actually real blueberries! SCARY! One source I read quoted an interview that said:
""It has blueberry bits," Jacobson said, adding, that it's "mostly sugar and soybean oil, then little bits of real blueberry that's been artificially colored." So these lab-made berries are actually shaped into balls and dyed to look like the real deal. "It's fake.""
I don't know about you, but I wonder why companies need to mess with the awesome blueberry! I know I'm already counting the days till the farmer's market starts up so that me and the kiddos can go snag some! Blueberries are naturally sweet and extra yummy...Why? Other than the cheapest bottom line? It shouldn't be acceptable. Yes guys, I'm a business student...I know there is a lot more to this puzzle, but I'm still disappointed that people can go to bed at night knowing they're not giving consumers the best product...They're giving them the cheapest. Price shouldn't be the bottom line...Quality should. If all companies cared about what was being put into their bodies and their customer's bodies it would level out the playing field. Heavier regulations should be on manufacturers putting these chemicals in our foods, not so much the organic producers who are trying to keep these chemicals out!
So that's my little rant for today? LOL
Yes, buying organic is very expensive. But, you can find ways like these waffles to add into your repertoire so that if you have a busy life and need to reach for something quick, you can be confident it's not going to hurt your child's body...or spike their blood sugar so they're falling asleep in second hour of school.
What do I do with these waffles? I often give my kiddos a waffle and some type of fruit (Madison loves grapes and Mark loves bananas), followed by milk (almond or soy for Mark since he's lactose intolerant). My kids have a terrible habit of drinking all of their drink and not they must wait till after they eat to have a drink. And that's it! I'm sure even the busiest of moms can agree that it is quick and easy while being healthy at the same time.
Word of the day? Diligence
It's tough finding affordable ingredients or foods that are pre-made. We're starting to combat our issues with starting our own little garden so we can grown our own fresh vegetables. I'm trying to be prepared for those nights when I'm sick or tired (or both) and don't feel like cooking. I try to have good ingredients to make things from scratch. Oh how I love making things from scratch. It's tough sometimes without all the new gadgetry and small appliances...but it's a labor of love. Be diligent in your work to feed your family healthy food. Many years from now, I'm sure you'll get a thank you from those awesome kiddos of yours.
So have a great day everyone! Happy Friday! Sending y'all a whole bunch of love and peace for you and your journey!
Jio, Sarah. (November 15, 2012). Health Controversy: Those berries in your Cereal, Frozen Waffles? Yeah They May Be Fake. Retrieved from website:
Monday, March 10, 2014
Olive Pesto!
I posted this a few years ago on the previous blog address and it had the highest amount of views! So here it is again as a re-post. This is my own recipe that I came up with after tasting this amazing appetizer at a restaurant. (I will name drop because it was so awesome! Go to Angel's in Hot Springs, AR!)
After trying (and asking for extra) and trying to figure out what was in it, this is my version and to me it tastes pretty similar! We even tried some later at a different restaurant who apparently blended it and turned it into gray mush! Poor stuff...
This is great with some pita or some garlic bread. Olives have great qualities and this is an awesome way to eat them. Even my picky husband enjoyed it!
You can use cheap ingredients and it is still pretty good. Or, step up and get all organic and high quality ingredients for an amazing treats. I encourage all of you to go and Google the benefits of olives, garlic, and olive oil for yourselves. <3
So here we go:
Olive Pesto
After trying (and asking for extra) and trying to figure out what was in it, this is my version and to me it tastes pretty similar! We even tried some later at a different restaurant who apparently blended it and turned it into gray mush! Poor stuff...
This is great with some pita or some garlic bread. Olives have great qualities and this is an awesome way to eat them. Even my picky husband enjoyed it!
You can use cheap ingredients and it is still pretty good. Or, step up and get all organic and high quality ingredients for an amazing treats. I encourage all of you to go and Google the benefits of olives, garlic, and olive oil for yourselves. <3
So here we go:
Olive Pesto
Make sure you buy some olives that are already pitted if you can. If not carefully remove the pit. This will help with the next step if you do.
Cut all of the olives in half. I've used black olives here but I think some purple kalamatas are great as well!
Cut length wise then cross ways to chop the olives.
Then go back over them carefully to mince them into small pieces.
Add Salt (I have sea salt here.) Fresh cracked black pepper. (A favorite of mine.) And of course, it couldn't be a recipe of mine without garlic!

The best way to mince your garlic is with a small hand grater. I bought this at Dollar Tree for a dollar and it has never failed me. You have to watch what you get, but there are some thrifty gems if you look.
Next, take some roasted red bell pepper. For even better flavor, do it yourself (DIY!) and throw some peppers under the broiler till blackened. Cover with a towel for 10 minutes, then peel off the skin. Or, just grab some in a jar. (Usually much more expensive, but you pay for convenience!)
Add all of these ingredients in the bowl. Final step is adding just a smidgen (maybe 2 or 3 TBS) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This is the one thing you can't switch. Buy decent quality Olive Oil. I recommend Simple Truth's Organic Olive Oil that you can find at Kroger's for usually $6.99 a bottle.
Let this set in your fridge and even an hour later, the flavors will have homogenized and created this lovely topping. While it might be a little fattening, it'll have those good healthy fats that you need in your diet. Seriously, I'm not saying make this every day! But, a big dinner for you and the husband...go ahead and be nice and splurge!
I hope you enjoy this recipe. The more you let it set, the better it is. That being said, I wouldn't leave this in the fridge much more than a week.
Btw...Did you notice this was something we found a restaurant that we tried to make at home?
Have you tried to do that challenge yet?
Remember, sharing is caring!
I hope you are all having a beautiful week. We are going on vacation so I might not be around for a while. I am sure however, I will share pictures and tell you the benefits of taking it easy and going on grown-up only vacations when I get back.
Lots of love and peace from me to you and your journey.
-Ami M. Lee
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