Sunday, March 30, 2014

Yoga and a new Lifestyle...Coming up!

So this story seems very interesting to me...mainly because, IT WASN'T MY IDEA! ha ha ha

A few weeks ago my husband shared a video on Facebook. It was of a disabled veteran who could barely walk, and couldn't without help. He had contacted a program created by Diamond Dallas Page (yes the famous wrestler from television). I won't repeat what happened...I'll just show you guys! (Oh the power of YouTube and inserting videos into my blog...*insert Hallelujah chorus*)

Watch his story here:

If you're interested, go check out the extended cut. I warn you though...I cried....TWICE! Absolute tears streaming down my face. My husband ended up getting curious. The video doesn't really go into the program. These are the video diaries Arthur took to send to Diamond Dallas Page as he made progress.

About a week ago my husband came to me considering ordering it. Of course, being the amazing wife that I try to be I reminded him that I would love and support him through anything and that I might even be interested. Most people may not know, but I've been doing yoga for about four years now. It's how I healed my sciatic nerve on my doctors, no pills.

It came in the mail yesterday. I went out of town to take care of some business and before I returned (it came in the mail), Nick had already read the book that came with it...I'm surprised I didn't walk in on him in downward facing dog...I know we were both excited.

I started reading the book and anxiously awaited the kids getting in bed so we could check out the DVD's. We started with the breathing exercise. onto the Diamond Dozen (13 is a baker's dozen, it's okay Dallas!) where you learn the basic moves that will be in the program. My husband and I spread out and went through it. I recognized every move and felt great. It was odd to me that the way he uses the dynamic resistance, it almost makes the poses easier. And when he says that it'll make your body feel like it is moving through clay...IT'S TRUE!

That was where I was a little skeptical guys...I love yoga just as much as anyone but I've never built strength or just lost weight from yoga. Is it a tough workout? Yeah...don't believe me? GO DO IT, then come back to me.

Today we are taking measurements and working on an eating plan. There will be tough week ahead eventually leading us to a gluten and dairy free household. I realized last night that of all the dieting I've done, I've never cut out gluten or dairy. So I'm so curious to jump right in. If Nick and I can do this, I believe anyone can. We are normal people from a small town in Arkansas. We don't make a crazy amount of money. We have three kids, he works 12 hour shifts and I stay home full time and go to school full time. If busy parents of three kids can do it, YOU can do it. It's just another part of the journey and this my friends could change the rest of our lives. It could change our children's lives.

Our children won't grow up with the excuse "that's how we were raised, and we're fine!" I can prove to so many people that just because everyone else in my family is overweight, doesn't mean I have to stay that way. As DDP says...I'm going to OWN my life! I'm really curious to see the tremendous affects I think this will have on the rest of our lives. I want to live the longest, healthiest life with my amazing husband and for my children to get to see this and grow into the amazing people I know they'll be.

So that's rather long guys...but I'm excited. I hope you can feel it coming off your screen. Of course, I'll share along the way because as I feel myself often saying, "Sharing is caring!" So I hope you'll click that follow button and follow me and my hubster on this journey. I will probably come back and post my before-s later today. Nick and I have struck a bargain. I can share his before and one month after picture IF he loses 20 lbs. If not, they stay off the blog. ha ha ha...Cheer him on please! Heck...cheer me on! Cheer yourself on! Cheer everyone on!

Sending you guys so much love and peace for your journey!

-Ami M. Lee

P.S. There's this great little box below where you can leave comments and let me know about how you're doing on your journey. Just click and type away! <3 I look forward to hearing from you. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Point of No Return...

Okay...So my title may be a little dramatic! I've been watching the Phantom of the Opera.

What is that point of no return with weight loss? To me it's that point where you make up your mind that this is the way you want to live the rest of your life. It's where you make the decision that not matter what the situation, you will do what's best for you and your body (or your families body).

I had a wonderful conversation with my husband last night and I'm thinking he's wanting to jump on this journey with me. I know that having him on the same page will make it easier on me! Selfish? Yes, yes, yes...I admit. However, if he's not bringing energy drinks or soda in the house...less temptation. I think he's hit that point of no return.

I really feel that when you are truly ready to lose weight, or just make a change, or quit smoking...etc. Whatever your goal may be...if you try and fail, maybe you just weren't ready yet. You didn't have every last detail in order for success. That's okay! Failure and mistakes is where we learn some of our greatest lessons. Part of our conversation ended up at me saying..."How do I have all of this weight-loss knowledge that I'm just handing out while I'm still sitting here fat and drinking wine!?"

I told my husband that I feel I have the many puzzle pieces that go into weight loss...I just don't know how to put them all together in the correct order. I related it to my skin care routine that I had help on. The esthetician was kind enough to write it down for me.

One thing I'm growing to despise is trial and error! So many errors...not enough results. I know so many people who drop sodas and lose ten pounds automatically! I was working out good before vacation...two months without sodas. Nothing.

This momma can't spend money or time in a gym for six hours a day. I am always stressed about something or someone. But...I think my day is coming.

Why? Maybe it's just a feeling. I think my husband and I have been working towards this goal for a long time. From the first time I fed him vegetable laden spaghetti. I'm excited to think that we can all get healthier together as a family. It'll take a lot of work and planning. It'll take dedication. But, I feel like with my husband I can do anything.

So who is that person that you go to? Who can you get to inspire, keep you accountable, and workout with you? Support is probably the biggest part of losing weight, quitting an addiction, or any other goal you may have.

Have we moved past the point of no return? I'm not sure yet...but I think I'll know when it has. I think I moved past the point of no return in many areas such as feeding my kids healthy, no tolerance on sodas, and limiting treats. But, moving past that point of no return for myself has been much harder.

So here's my challenge for you. I want you to stop and think for a few minutes sometime today. Who can support you through your goals? Who can make changes with you? Are there other sources out there to help you? The last time you tried to achieve this goal, what went wrong and how can you try to identify things that you can improve to make the goal more attainable or reachable?

Think on these things. If you'd like to share what your goal is (it doesn't have to be weight loss, it could be anything!) please leave me a comment. I look forward to hearing from you!

And remember, if anything this gal in Arkansas is cheering you on! I may be good at giving advice, terrible at following it...but I'm a pretty good cheerleader! It's all a journey! (Hint: That's why I named this page Journey on the Final Countdown.)

Sending lots of sunshine, love, and peace to you and your journey!

-Ami M. Lee

(So I've seen a lot of people do give away-s when they get to so many followers...I think if I can get 100 here and on YouTube....maybe we'll do some kind of give away?)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bullies...How to Get Through It

So I made a video on my thoughts on bullies. I woke up this morning feeling as if something was telling me I needed to talk about this. So pulled my messy hair up...forgot the makeup and decided to talk about what has happened.

I have been the victim of internet bullying. One way I've tried to keep those negative nancy's at bay is to keep away from commenting on news stories on various websites. Sometimes I just can't resist and last night I was attempting to be funny. I guess I didn't understand the demographic because that comment was followed by several hateful comments who obviously didn't think my comment was funny.

I tried to politely explain that it was a joke. I understood they were just trying to get a rise out of me. Really...should I explain myself in a biography on Facebook? No...It's just not reasonable. I even tried to explain that I think life is too short to be so negative, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Some people just don't care if you're positive or not. I woke up this morning and they were still ranting about it.

I wasn't so much upset about what they said. I was more upset that there were so many people trying to play "Internet Bully." So many ADULTS! Who, in my opinion, should know better. Even more so...This page was a Christian Facebook Page. Don't worry...I know there are some really great people out there and their religion doesn't really matter...I think it's just natural to think that someone who should be taught the love and compassion of Jesus would spread love and compassion...not negativity. But I digress...I'm not wanting a religious debate in the comment section.

I've seen videos recently of children being bullies...We know some children (I believe the video stated 4,400 children a year) commit suicide because of these bullies. 4,400 children who were beautiful and unique to this world are gone. To anyone who finds this and reads this, just know I'm cheering you on! DON'T GIVE UP! You are beautiful and unique! It's taken me a long, 26 years of life, to decide that I'm that way so that I truly believe it when I say it. Don't give these bullies power by being negative!

Seek to plaster positivity around you! It can be hard...especially if some of that negativity is from your family. One of my favorite people is Kandee Johnson! Go here...Watch these two videos!!! Then come back all happy...full of sunshine...and warm internet hugs! 5 Ways to Have an Awesome Day How To Deal With Bullying & Negative Thoughts

Make sure you come back for even more love!

You can watch my video on the same subject and what happened to me. Hear us! Hear all of the good people out there who really love you!

Remember what Kandee said...Or at least this is what sticks with me. Loving and Kind people say Loving and Kind words!

So here's my loving and kind words! I'm sending you love! It gets hard! I know....I have three kiddos...I have school work...I hope to one day finish this degree so I can do work-work...(ha ha ha) It gets better though! And if you need to...bookmark this page and read it when you feel down...Bookmark Kandee or any other positive YouTuber you can find. When you feel down just go back and fill up your positivity tank!

I love you guys so so so so much and appreciate ever view that I get! I hope you are all having and wonderful and beautiful day! <3

Friday, March 21, 2014

Quick and Easy breakfast...But watch your labels!

Good morning folks!

I am writing to you this morning with my fast breakfast ideas that is great for kids and mom's on the go...And even Dad too! comes with a warning...

Let's jump in our TARDIS (#whovianascharged) and go back to Kroger a year ago. My kids LOVE waffles. It was often one of those fast and easy breakfast items that I would pick up in my freezer section. I am surprised that this was the first time I actually looked at the ingredients! What did I find!? Artificial flavors...GAH! From store brand to Eggo....All artificial flavors and other nasties. I nearly had a small panic attack in the middle of the store. WHAT THE WORLD YO!?

So I go on a mad hunt over in the freezer section of the organic/all natural foods isle. There it was. Frozen waffles...Flip the box over....NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS! The first ones we tried were Kashi Blueberry Waffles. They were...OK....And my kids ate them but the taste was somewhat like cardboard...Next (with coupon in hand and a great sale) we tried Van's Gluten Free Blueberry waffles. We've been hooked ever since...but the price is about $3.50 here in Arkansas for only six waffles. We use about four a meal unless the kids are really hungry. So to save a buck we switched to the Simple Truth Brand Gluten Free Blueberry Waffles ($2.49 not on sale). I love this company and the fact that they have a commitment to keeping 101 artificial ingredients and preservatives out of their food lines.

No. We do not eat gluten free on purpose. I have heard they're starting to say bad things about gluten and I've noticed more and more people in the grocery store asking me (when they see me pick up gluten free items) if I know any more cooking tips, recipes...etc. I guess I just look friendly or something? But, I'm always happy to reply that we're not gluten free or intolerant...It's just the waffles we happen to like that is a little healthier, and cheaper on my "time budget."

So you may be wondering...Ami...What's wrong with it? We've been eating it for years? I did too...but I learned that those frozen blueberry waffles from conventional companies aren't actually real blueberries! SCARY! One source I read quoted an interview that said:

     ""It has blueberry bits," Jacobson said, adding, that it's "mostly sugar and soybean oil, then little bits of real blueberry that's been artificially colored." So these lab-made berries are actually shaped into balls and dyed to look like the real deal. "It's fake.""

I don't know about you, but I wonder why companies need to mess with the awesome blueberry! I know I'm already counting the days till the farmer's market starts up so that me and the kiddos can go snag some! Blueberries are naturally sweet and extra yummy...Why? Other than the cheapest bottom line? It shouldn't be acceptable. Yes guys, I'm a business student...I know there is a lot more to this puzzle, but I'm still disappointed that people can go to bed at night knowing they're not giving consumers the best product...They're giving them the cheapest. Price shouldn't be the bottom line...Quality should. If all companies cared about what was being put into their bodies and their customer's bodies it would level out the playing field. Heavier regulations should be on manufacturers putting these chemicals in our foods, not so much the organic producers who are trying to keep these chemicals out!

So that's my little rant for today? LOL

Yes, buying organic is very expensive. But, you can find ways like these waffles to add into your repertoire so that if you have a busy life and need to reach for something quick, you can be confident it's not going to hurt your child's body...or spike their blood sugar so they're falling asleep in second hour of school.

What do I do with these waffles? I often give my kiddos a waffle and some type of fruit (Madison loves grapes and Mark loves bananas), followed by milk (almond or soy for Mark since he's lactose intolerant). My kids have a terrible habit of drinking all of their drink and not they must wait till after they eat to have a drink. And that's it! I'm sure even the busiest of moms can agree that it is quick and easy while being healthy at the same time.

Word of the day? Diligence

It's tough finding affordable ingredients or foods that are pre-made. We're starting to combat our issues with starting our own little garden so we can grown our own fresh vegetables. I'm trying to be prepared for those nights when I'm sick or tired (or both) and don't feel like cooking. I try to have good ingredients to make things from scratch. Oh how I love making things from scratch. It's tough sometimes without all the new gadgetry and small appliances...but it's a labor of love. Be diligent in your work to feed your family healthy food. Many years from now, I'm sure you'll get a thank you from those awesome kiddos of yours.

So have a great day everyone! Happy Friday! Sending y'all a whole bunch of love and peace for you and your journey!


Jio, Sarah. (November 15, 2012). Health Controversy: Those berries in your Cereal, Frozen Waffles? Yeah They May Be Fake. Retrieved from website:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Olive Pesto!

I posted this a few years ago on the previous blog address and it had the highest amount of views! So here it is again as a re-post. This is my own recipe that I came up with after tasting this amazing appetizer at a restaurant. (I will name drop because it was so awesome! Go to Angel's in Hot Springs, AR!)

After trying (and asking for extra) and trying to figure out what was in it, this is my version and to me it tastes pretty similar! We even tried some later at a different restaurant who apparently blended it and turned it into gray mush! Poor stuff...

This is great with some pita or some garlic bread. Olives have great qualities and this is an awesome way to eat them. Even my picky husband enjoyed it!

You can use cheap ingredients and it is still pretty good. Or, step up and get all organic and high quality ingredients for an amazing treats. I encourage all of you to go and Google the benefits of olives, garlic, and olive oil for yourselves. <3

So here we go:

Olive Pesto

Make sure you buy some olives that are already pitted if you can. If not carefully remove the pit. This will help with the next step if you do.

Cut all of the olives in half. I've used black olives here but I think some purple kalamatas are great as well!

Cut length wise then cross ways to chop the olives.

Then go back over them carefully to mince them into small pieces.

 Add Salt (I have sea salt here.) Fresh cracked black pepper. (A favorite of mine.) And of course, it couldn't be a recipe of mine without garlic!
The best way to mince your garlic is with a small hand grater. I bought this at Dollar Tree for a dollar and it has never failed me. You have to watch what you get, but there are some thrifty gems if you look.
Next, take some roasted red bell pepper. For even better flavor, do it yourself  (DIY!) and throw some peppers under the broiler till blackened. Cover with a towel for 10 minutes, then peel off the skin. Or, just grab some in a jar. (Usually much more expensive, but you pay for convenience!)
Add all of these ingredients in the bowl. Final step is adding just a smidgen (maybe 2 or 3 TBS) of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This is the one thing you can't switch. Buy decent quality Olive Oil. I recommend Simple Truth's Organic Olive Oil that you can find at Kroger's for usually $6.99 a bottle.
Let this set in your fridge and even an hour later, the flavors will have homogenized and created this lovely topping. While it might be a little fattening, it'll have those good healthy fats that you need in your diet. Seriously, I'm not saying make this every day! But, a big dinner for you and the husband...go ahead and be nice and splurge!
I hope you enjoy this recipe. The more you let it set, the better it is. That being said, I wouldn't leave this in the fridge much more than a week.
Btw...Did you notice this was something we found a restaurant that we tried to make at home?
Have you tried to do that challenge yet?
Remember, sharing is caring!
I hope you are all having a beautiful week. We are going on vacation so I might not be around for a while. I am sure however, I will share pictures and tell you the benefits of taking it easy and going on grown-up only vacations when I get back.
Lots of love and peace from me to you and your journey.
-Ami M. Lee


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Eating out...At home!

Hey guys!

Let me talk to you about one of my favorite hobbies. Cooking! A lot of us these days are forfeiting the joy of cooking for fast food. Many times people are worried more about counting calories and forget to count chemicals and additives. When you trust fast food (which you should never do) you have no clue what has been put on your food and where it came from. Many times you can recreate dishes you frequent from restaurants, including fast-food, for less money (while making more food in quantity) and much better tasting. In addition, you are more easily able to include as many organic ingredients as you can afford them.

Is it work? Of course it is! is a labor of love! You are putting love into that dish and giving it to your family. Why would you not want to work for that? Are you just lazy? Can you not get organized and prepare things ahead?

See, here's the key. Organized. Ahead of time. Many times I cut onions in bulk (and refrigerate), make two batches of sauce instead of one..etc.  One of my favorites was some vegan tomato basil soup that will be pictured below. It was so easy to make some grilled cheese (with veggie cheese for my lactose intolerant kiddo, Mark) and then throw a salad on the side. A great tasting, filling meal that took minutes because I took the time (when I had it) to prepare ahead.

So here's my challenge! Yes, you reading this. I want to know what you like! What is your favorite restaurant dish? Can you make it at home? What ingredients do you think are most important to buy organic and others that you might could let slide for the budget reasons? Here's a few pictures of my favorite homemade dishes!

Homemade California Rolls, Chinese Dumplings, and Salad with Creamy Ginger Soy Sauce

The beginnings of some great red sauce!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup (Or as I call it "Epic Noodle Soup")

Homemade Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese and a Side Salad

My first Veggie Curry on Coconut Rice

Beef Fried Rice with Creamy Ginger Soy Sauce
These are only a few of my favorites. Chinese food is a big one because they often use MSG (Monosodium Glutamate). You can add in your favorite veggies and make your own sauces. Now, I fully admit that if you buy all of the sauces needed to make a sauce (crazy I know) it can be expensive all at once. You'll find though many last a long time and run out unevenly so that it may only be five dollars here and there per ingredient.
Take pride in cooking for your family. Teach your children how to cook and cook well. Allow them to feel the wonder of the generous heart involved in cooking. Let them be praised for their hard work! It will set the tone for their life. I love talking to my daughter (she's the only one really old enough so far) about cooking and different ingredients. I let her touch things, smell things, and stir things.
It is a great joy that I share with you and I hope that you will take some time and cook good and healthy food for your family. It's really not that hard. Just make the time and take time to care what goes in your body. This is a great way to control what is in it and add as many organic (or higher quality) products.
So do you accept my challenge? Are you hungry to get cooking yet? If so, leave me some comments on what you did to make a restaurant meal at home and a healthier version. Don't forget to share your recipe, because you know sharing is caring. <3
I hope you are all having a wonderful day, afternoon, or evening.
Sending you all lots of love and peace for you on your journey.
-Ami M. Lee

Monday, March 3, 2014

Video Vlogs on my YouTube Channel...

Hey Guys!

So today I did a video on something that I blogged about already, but it was a while back and I got to use some great visuals.

With this blog there will also be some video blogs (more modernly known as VLOGS). This is just to break up the monotony of writing and pictures. But, also it's to have fun and overall to reach and inspire even more people.

Today we're talking about water!

How many cups of water are you supposed to drink? How do you fit it all in!?

Check out my latest vlog on and see what you think! Is this attainable? A more reachable goal?

Have a great Monday everyone!

-Ami M. Lee


Hello everyone!

Hopefully several of you have followed me over from the previous listing. Sorry guys! I just was in some serious need for organization and streamlining of emails and YouTube accounts. I love talking on YouTube so that I can be a little more visual...and hey! It's fun!

If you haven't read this blog before and you're wondering who I am...

My name is Ami. I am a mom of three wonderful kiddos and a wonderful husband. I research topics on a healthier lifestyle from how many glasses of water to pick me ups that can help you feel a little less blue. I've learned a lot and I'm finally starting to put the pieces together in my life.

Now is that time to share with you guys the miraculous things that can come together when you quit waiting till Monday and make an active challenge to yourself to change daily. Make those positive changes and I assure you that you will see benefits even if it isn't the scale you're trying to work on.

So welcome to my journey! I hope you will share yours with me. I will be uploading old posts as I can. I'm a busy, busy momma who also has a house to clean, kiddos to attend to...two dogs...a husband...I'm an artist, a blogger...a full time student...I have family and friends that need an occasional call or two. LOL

So welcome, welcome...

I'm sending you lots of love and peace for you and yours on your journey.

-Ami M. Lee