A few weeks ago my husband shared a video on Facebook. It was of a disabled veteran who could barely walk, and couldn't without help. He had contacted a program created by Diamond Dallas Page (yes the famous wrestler from television). I won't repeat what happened...I'll just show you guys! (Oh the power of YouTube and inserting videos into my blog...*insert Hallelujah chorus*)
Watch his story here:
If you're interested, go check out the extended cut. I warn you though...I cried....TWICE! Absolute tears streaming down my face. My husband ended up getting curious. The video doesn't really go into the program. These are the video diaries Arthur took to send to Diamond Dallas Page as he made progress.
About a week ago my husband came to me considering ordering it. Of course, being the amazing wife that I try to be I reminded him that I would love and support him through anything and that I might even be interested. Most people may not know, but I've been doing yoga for about four years now. It's how I healed my sciatic nerve on my own...no doctors, no pills.
It came in the mail yesterday. I went out of town to take care of some business and before I returned (it came in the mail), Nick had already read the book that came with it...I'm surprised I didn't walk in on him in downward facing dog...I know we were both excited.
I started reading the book and anxiously awaited the kids getting in bed so we could check out the DVD's. We started with the breathing exercise. Okay...cool...Now onto the Diamond Dozen (13 is a baker's dozen, it's okay Dallas!) where you learn the basic moves that will be in the program. My husband and I spread out and went through it. I recognized every move and felt great. It was odd to me that the way he uses the dynamic resistance, it almost makes the poses easier. And when he says that it'll make your body feel like it is moving through clay...IT'S TRUE!
That was where I was a little skeptical guys...I love yoga just as much as anyone but I've never built strength or just lost weight from yoga. Is it a tough workout? Yeah...don't believe me? GO DO IT, then come back to me.
Today we are taking measurements and working on an eating plan. There will be tough week ahead eventually leading us to a gluten and dairy free household. I realized last night that of all the dieting I've done, I've never cut out gluten or dairy. So I'm so curious to jump right in. If Nick and I can do this, I believe anyone can. We are normal people from a small town in Arkansas. We don't make a crazy amount of money. We have three kids, he works 12 hour shifts and I stay home full time and go to school full time. If busy parents of three kids can do it, YOU can do it. It's just another part of the journey and this my friends could change the rest of our lives. It could change our children's lives.
Our children won't grow up with the excuse "that's how we were raised, and we're fine!" I can prove to so many people that just because everyone else in my family is overweight, doesn't mean I have to stay that way. As DDP says...I'm going to OWN my life! I'm really curious to see the tremendous affects I think this will have on the rest of our lives. I want to live the longest, healthiest life with my amazing husband and for my children to get to see this and grow into the amazing people I know they'll be.
So that's rather long guys...but I'm excited. I hope you can feel it coming off your screen. Of course, I'll share along the way because as I feel myself often saying, "Sharing is caring!" So I hope you'll click that follow button and follow me and my hubster on this journey. I will probably come back and post my before-s later today. Nick and I have struck a bargain. I can share his before and one month after picture IF he loses 20 lbs. If not, they stay off the blog. ha ha ha...Cheer him on please! Heck...cheer me on! Cheer yourself on! Cheer everyone on!
Sending you guys so much love and peace for your journey!
-Ami M. Lee
P.S. There's this great little box below where you can leave comments and let me know about how you're doing on your journey. Just click and type away! <3 I look forward to hearing from you. :)